Trillions of Cicadas are emerging ... let our experts explain what's happening.

Trillions of Cicadas are emerging ... let our experts explain what's happening.

May 29, 20242 min read

It's an epic emergence ... and it's got everyone's attention. This year, we're seeing a  historic double emergence of the 13-year and 17-year cicadas and i's why we've compiled a Spotlight to help if you're covering or just curious about all the 'buzz' happening across parts of America.

The periodic emergence of cicadas is a natural phenomenon that captures public imagination and scientific interest alike. This event matters to the public not only because of its rarity and the sheer scale of cicada populations but also due to its significant ecological impact and cultural fascination. The emergence of cicadas offers numerous captivating story angles for journalists to explore, appealing to a broad audience:

  • The biological and ecological significance of cicadas in their ecosystems
  • The science behind the cicadas' unique life cycle and emergence patterns
  • The impact of cicada emergence on local agriculture and ecosystems
  • Cultural and historical perspectives on cicadas in folklore and tradition
  • How climate change and environmental factors influence cicada populations
  • Tips and advice for the public on managing cicada interactions and enjoying the spectacle

As we witness the emergence of cicadas, journalists have an opportunity to delve into these multifaceted narratives, uncovering the wonders of this natural event and its broader implications for science, culture, and the environment.

Connect with an Expert about the Cicada Emergence:

John R. Cooley, MBA, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Residence · University of Connecticut

David Rothenberg

Distinguished Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Howard Russell

Entomologist · Michigan State University

Gary Parsons

Academic Specialist · Michigan State University

Keith Clay

Professor and chair of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology · Tulane University

To search our full list of experts visit

Photo Credit: Bill Nino

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