Recent Expert Placement: GOP-Led LI Towns Challenge Moving Elections to Even-Numbered Years

Recent Expert Placement: GOP-Led LI Towns Challenge Moving Elections to Even-Numbered Years

June 12, 20241 min read

Lawrence Levy, associate vice president and executive dean of the National Center for Suburban Studies, spoke to Newsday about five GOP-led towns in Nassau and Suffolk that are challenging a new state law to move most local elections to even-numbered years.

Levy called the law “a mixed bag” for political parties and candidates. He said the candidate at the top of the ticket could impact many of the results.

“There is the risk that local issues will be drowned out … but it’s also an opportunity for a lot of people, who never bothered to pay attention to local races, to maybe do so if they don’t want to click a lever for just any old person without knowing something,” he said.

Lawrence Levy is the Executive Dean of the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University. He's available to speak with media - simply click on his icon now to arrange an interview today.

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  • Lawrence Levy
    Lawrence Levy Associate Vice President and Executive Dean of the National Center for Surburban

    Dean Levy works close with Hofstra’s academic community to shape an innovative agenda for suburban study

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