Hofstra University's primary mission is to provide a quality education to its students in an environment that encourages, nurtures, and supports learning. At Hofstra, new ideas take shape through collaboration, engagement, and interaction....
Experts (42)
Herman Berliner
Provost Emeritus and Distinguished Service Professor of Economics
Dr. Berliner is focused on increasing and promoting global business programs, student entrepreneurship, and other experiential learning.
Economics Economics and Public Policy Finance Financial Policy Economics of Higher Education International Business Education
Jase Bernhardt
Associate Professor of Geology, Environment, and Sustainability
Dr. Bernhardt has had a lifelong passion for studying weather and climate. His current research focuses hurricane preparedness.
Rip Tide safety Hurricanes Climatology Climate Change Weather Climate Environmental History Meteorology Virtual Reality to Promote Evacuation
Meena Bose
Professor of Political Science, Executive Dean for Public Policy & Public Service Programs
Dr. Meena Bose is Executive Dean of Hofstra University’s Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs
Presidential Elections Presidential Campaigns Presidential Politics Presidential History
Russell Burke
Professor of Biology
Dr. Burke's current research involves diamondback terrapins at Jamaica Bay, wood turtles in northern NJ and the coyote invasion of LI
Urban Ecosystems Urban Environments Suburban Spaces and Development Ecology Evolution Conservation Biology Herpetology
Julie Byrne
Professor and Monsignor Thomas Hartman Chair in Catholic Studies
The Professor and Monsignor Thomas Hartman Chair in Catholic Studies at Hofstra University
Religion and Popular Culture Religion and Sports Pope Francis Independent Catholics Roman Catholics Religion and Race Religion, gender and sexuality Religion and Politics Religion and Today's Headlines
Gregory DeFreitas
Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy
Prof. DeFreitas is an expert on labor studies.
Labor Economics Research Methods Urban Economics Microeconomics African Economic Development Research Methods Economics of Immigration Earnings Inequality Youth Unemployment Economics of Small Business Labor Unions African Labor Issues New York City Economy
Carolyn Dudek
Professor of Political Science
Professor Dudek specializes in comparative politics with regional focuses in Europe and Latin America
Latin American Politics European Politics Regional Economic Growth and Development Fluent in Spanish
Brenda Elsey
Professor of History
Specialist in Popular Culture and Politics, as well as Gender and Sports, in Twentieth Century Latin America.
Latin American Culture Latin American Politics Sports in Latin America Gender Studies
Eric Freedman
Professor of Law
Professor Freedman focuses on constitutional law and history, as well as the death penalty and habeas corpus
Constitutional Law First Amendment Law Death Penalty
Paul Fritz
Associate Professor of Political Science
Professor Fritz specializes in international relations, with concentrations on international security and US foreign and defense policy.
Foreign Policy Political Science Terrorism International Security International Relations