Easier Access to Doulas for Mothers on Medicaid

Easier Access to Doulas for Mothers on Medicaid

June 17, 20241 min read

Dr. Martine Hackett, associate professor and chair of Hofstra’s Department of Population Health, was interviewed by Newsday about the New York state health commissioner issuing a standing order that allows all pregnant women with Medicaid access to doula services. In the past, they needed to get an order from their individual licensed health care practitioner.

The order removes “a barrier to doula services," said Dr. Hackett, who serves as co-founder of Birth Justice Warrior of Long Island, which advocates for healthier pregnancies and babies.

“This is one of many steps being taken to simplify and streamline the process of connecting Medicaid members to community doulas,” she said, noting that the state has been trying to make it easier for doulas to handle the complex billing and claims process.

Dr. Hackett's research focuses on public health and health inequities, particularly in the American suburbs and minority communities. She's available to speak with media - simply click on her icon now to arrange an interview today.

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  • Martine Hackett
    Martine Hackett Associate Professor of Population Health

    Dr. Hackett's research focuses on public health and health inequities, particularly in the American suburbs and minority communities.

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