Does comScore video metrix include mobile video views?

Does comScore video metrix include mobile video views?

1 Expert Answer

Bryan Segal

Senior Vice President,  comScore

Comscore Video Metrix Multi-Platform delivers a total view of consumer digital video consumption across desktops, smartphones, tablets and OTT devices.

Premium video content and advertising can be strategically planned, bought and sold across platforms using digital-exclusive and TV-comparable GRP metrics. Video Metrix Multi-Platform offers unduplicated, person-level video audience measurement across digital content and ads, providing insight into audience size, reach, engagement and demographic composition.

Holistic View Across Devices: Gain a complete view of audiences’ video consumption with comprehensive coverage of the desktop, mobile, and OTT ecosystem.

Unduplicated, Person-Centric Data: Get unduplicated, person-level insights.

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