Located in western Massachusetts, UMass Amherst is the flagship campus of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' five-campus University of Massachusetts system. UMass Amherst is a nationally recognized teaching and research institution with a current enrollment of about 28,500 students.
Experts (87)
Clem Clay
Director of Extension Agriculture Program
Clem Clay oversees professionals serving the agriculture, forestry, fruit-growing and commercial horticulture industries in Massachusetts.
Agriculture Extension Farming Sustainability Environmental Policy Public Policy Insects and People
Jonathan Corpus Ong
Professor of Communication
Jonathan Corpus Ong's research areas are global media ethics, digital politics and the anthropology of humanitarianism.
Elections in the Philippines Media Ethics Global Media Studies Critical Disinformation Studies Sociology of Activist Organizations Interethnic Racism and Solidarities Anthropology of Humanitarianism and Human Rights Politics in the Global South Disinformation and Misinformation
Andrew Danylchuk
Professor of Fish Conservation, Department of Environmental Conservation
Andrew Danylchuk’s research seeks to understand the factors that influence the life history and ecology of fish and other aquatic organisms.
Fish Conservation Impacts of Climate Change on Fish and Aquatic Ecosystems Behavior and Survival of Coastal Fisheries Best Practices for Managing Recreational Fishing
Eric Decker
Professor of Food Science
Eric Decker's work focuses on lipid oxidation and health implications of bioactive lipids and on preventing oxidation in our food supply.
Oxidation in the Food Supply Lipid Oxidation Food Science
Lisa Fontes
Senior Lecturer II, UWW Interdisciplinary Studies
Lisa Fontes is an international leader in the understanding of intimate partner violence, or coercive control.
Intimate Partner Violence Coercive Control Child Sexual Abuse Domestic Violence (Partner and Victim) Child Abuse Violence Against Women
Ina Ganguli
Professor of Economics
Ina Ganguli looks at how individuals acquire and use their skills, particularly on science and innovation, immigration and gender issues.
Gender Disparities in Labor Markets International Migration of Students and Scientists Formation of Scientific Collaboration Economics of Science & Innovation Labor Economics Development Economics
Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina
Paul Murray Kendall Chair in Biography and Professor of English
Gretchen Gerzina is a specialist on the novel and biography, focusing on Black British studies, Victorian studies and mixed race studies..
Victorian Studies Black British Studies African American Women’s Writing Mixed Race Studies
Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics
Jayati Ghosh is one of India's best-known economists and a frequent commentator and writer about a wide range of issues.
Economics and the Developing World Economy of India India Asian Political Economy Gender and Care Work
Colin J. Gleason
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Colin Gleason's research measures focuses on measuring how much of the earth’s water is in rivers at any point in time.
Global Water Budget Ungauged Basins Fluvial Geomorphology Fluvial Hydrology Remote Sensing Arctic Hydrology
Jamie Hartmann-Boyce
Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management
Jamie Hartmann-Boyce's works to synthesize evidence and apply it to health policy, in areas including tobacco control and e-cigarettes.
Smoking Cessation Tobacco Regulatory Science Health Policy Tobacco Control E-cigarettes Management of Diabetes
Industry Experience (2)
- Education/Learning
- Research