University of Massachusetts Amherst

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, 01003, MA, US


Located in western Massachusetts, UMass Amherst is the flagship campus of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' five-campus University of Massachusetts system. UMass Amherst is a nationally recognized teaching and research institution with a current enrollment of about 28,500 students.

Experts (97)

Karen Giuliano

Karen Giuliano

Professor, Elaine Marieb College of Nursing and Institute for Applied Life Sciences and Co-Director, Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation

Karen Giuliano's research is focused on the intersection of clinical needs and medical technology use, development and innovation.

Hospital-acquired Pneumonia Medical Technology‎ Medical Devices Critical Care Nursing Product Development Innovation and technology for health management

Colin J. Gleason

Colin J. Gleason

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Colin Gleason's research measures focuses on measuring how much of the earth’s water is in rivers at any point in time.

Global Water Budget Ungauged Basins Fluvial Geomorphology Fluvial Hydrology Remote Sensing Arctic Hydrology

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce

Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce's works to synthesize evidence and apply it to health policy, in areas including tobacco control and e-cigarettes.

Smoking Cessation Tobacco Regulatory Science Health Policy Tobacco Control E-cigarettes Management of Diabetes

Christine Hatch

Christine Hatch

UMass Extension Professor in Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences

Christine Hatch is a hydrogeologist who studies the intersection between water resources, ecology and climate change,

Dams and Climate-Induced Storms Rewilding Hydrogeology Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions Climate Change Water Resources

Meghan Huber

Meghan Huber

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Meghan Huber's research focuses on understanding how humans and robots can learn from their physical interaction

Exoskeletons Bioengineering Biomedical Engineering Robotics Human-Robot Interaction

Mohit Iyyer

Mohit Iyyer

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Mohit Iyyer's main research interest is in designing deep neural networks for traditional natural language processing tasks.

Artificial Intelligence Chat GPT Machine Learning Natural Language Processing

Tom Juravich

Tom Juravich

Professor of Labor Studies and Sociology

Tom Juravich studies work, workers and the labor movement.

Labor Unions Ethnographic Research Labor Movements Work and the Labor Process Working Class and Union Culture

Jasmine Kerrissey

Jasmine Kerrissey

Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Labor Center at UMass Amherst

Jasmine Kerrissey is an expert on labor movements, work and inequality

Worker Strikes Labor Studies Labor Movements Social Movements and Collective Behavior Political Sociology of Health Gig Economy Worker Rights

Michael Knodler Jr.

Michael Knodler Jr.

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the UMass Transportation Center

Michael Knodler's main areas of research and teaching are related to transportation safety, operations, design, and education.

Transportation Engineering Traffic Operations Driver Behavior (Older & Younger) Transportation Safety Pedestrian & Bicycles Intelligent transportation systems

Matthew Lackner

Matthew Lackner

Director of Wind Energy Center and Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Matthew Lackner studies offshore wind energy with a focus on the aerodynamics and structural control of floating offshore wind turbines.

Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Renewable Energy Systems Wind Turbines Energy, Environment, and Water Offshore wind power

Industry Experience (2)

  • Education/Learning
  • Research