Misinformation expert on YouTube ban on false information on vaccines

Misinformation expert on YouTube ban on false information on vaccines

September 29, 20211 min read

Lisa Fazio, associate professor of psychology and human development, is available for commentary on YouTube's ban on vaccine misinformation. 

Lisa is an expert in misinformation and false news, studying how people learn, interpret and remember information. She can speak to YouTube's history as a vector for misinformation and other points related to the topic, including:

  • The importance of finding trusted sources and how it's even harder than normal to tell what is a reliable source, especially as so many personal accounts are floating around
  • Misinformation and mixed messages sent from politicians and government officials on vaccine implications
  • The dangers of so many "experts" talking publicly about vaccines, particularly around the periphery of their expertise and the damage that has been done, particularly during the pandemic

Connect with:
  • Lisa Fazio
    Lisa Fazio Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development

    Expert on how people process true and false information, and how to mitigate the effects of reading and sharing false information.

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