Could This Be the Ultimate Way to Showcase Your Experts?

ExpertFile’s latest Spotlight release is designed with journalists in mind.

Jul 30, 2024

3 min

Robert Carter

Getting more media coverage is all about helping journalists find everything they need to get their stories out on deadline. Simple right? Well, that depends. Our research shows that most media relations and comms departments are significantly resource-constrained when it comes to pitching experts. And even when you are pitching it’s a challenge. Industry research shows that 97% of pitches fail to generate coverage.

The secret is to publish content that draws in journalists in a way that helps them immediately understand (within seconds) how you can help them enhance their stories with your experts.

What if there was a way to get all this done in minutes? Not days.

Welcome to our latest Spotlight release, designed to help you organize your expert content in the most engaging ways possible. We’ve made enhancements in 5 key areas:

Create a More Engaging Design that is Optimized for Mobile

Your brand’s identity matters. Our new design ensures your Spotlight Posts reflect your unique style and voice. With bolder headers, enhanced logo placements, customizable fonts, and color schemes, you can create more visually stunning posts. And unlike a lot of other websites, your pages will be beautifully optimized for mobile—which is how most journalists will see your content.

Tell a More Visual Story with Images

Research from HubSpot indicates that content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without. It’s time to get more visual. With our higher image resolution plus new editing tools like text wrap and captions, you can really make your images stand out. Plus we’ve helped solve the problem of sourcing images. We’ve now added access to thousands of royalty-free stock images for your posts - it’s all covered as part of your ExpertFile subscription.

Make Your Experts Really Stand Out

We’ve now made it even easier to display your experts more prominently with enhanced “expert callouts,” which are specially designed to engage journalists with the key information they are looking for. And our pagination features allow you to add content that sets your experts apart. Within seconds you can add videos and images or even stylized quotes from your previous media coverage.

Leverage the Latest AI Tools for Faster Content Creation

We’ve turbocharged our AI writing tools using OpenAI’s latest release. Enhance your content by generating innovative story ideas and draft posts with AI. This power is all conveniently built right into our editor to save you time.

Save Time with Content Repurposing

Creating high-quality content takes time and effort, and we want to help you get the most out of it. With our new publishing date feature, along with our current scheduling capabilities, it is easier than ever to make use of existing content effectively. This gives it a second life as part of your expertise marketing efforts while allowing you to better connect it to your experts to drive inquiries.

Clone Your Posts for Even Faster Creation.

Being able to leverage that perfectly crafted post going forward quickly and easily can help you jump on opportunities as they present themselves.  With cloning you can take the layout elements and simply updated the content to highlight new experts or areas of expertise that you wish to showcase.

And that's not all…

You’ll still enjoy all the current benefits of "Spotlight Posts," including distribution through, integration into expert profiles, full SEO compliance with advanced meta and schema data, and various options for adding this valuable content to your website.

Ready to elevate your expertise marketing game? Dive into these new features and watch your content—and your experts—shine brighter than ever.

Want to see it in action?

Check out the sample we’ve shown here, which we generated with Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) to feature their experts during the Republican National Convention. We can also set you up with a customized demo showing how all this can make your experts stand out. Let us know what you think!

About ExpertFile

ExpertFile is changing the way organizations tap into the power of their experts to drive valuable inquiries, accelerate revenue growth, and enhance their brand reputation. Used by leading corporate, higher education and healthcare clients worldwide, our award-winning platform helps teams structure, manage and promote their expert content while our search engine features experts on over 50,000+ topics.

Download our "Guide to Expertise Marketing", book a demo and more here.

Connect with:
Robert Carter

Robert Carter

Co-Founder & VP Product

Focussed on delivering innovation that unlocks the hidden expertise within all organizations.

Reputation ManagementBrand DevelopmentMarketing CommunicationsExpertise MarketingMarket Research

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