Today is the Anniversary of the approval of the 19th Amendment. Let our experts help with your stories.

Today is the Anniversary of the approval of the 19th Amendment. Let our experts help with your stories.

June 4, 20242 min read

The anniversary of the approval of the 19th Amendment marks a pivotal moment in history when women in the United States were granted the right to vote, symbolizing a major victory in the women's suffrage movement. This event is newsworthy because it represents a fundamental shift towards gender equality and has had profound implications for democratic participation and women's rights. Celebrating this milestone also provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress made and the ongoing struggles for gender equity. Key story angles include:

  • Historical Context: Exploring the history and significance of the women's suffrage movement and the efforts leading up to the ratification of the 19th Amendment.
  • Impact on Women's Political Participation: Analyzing how the 19th Amendment has shaped women's involvement in politics and governance over the past century.
  • Contemporary Gender Equality Issues: Investigating current challenges in achieving gender equality in various sectors, including the workplace, education, and politics.
  • Role of Women in Social Movements: Highlighting the contributions of women to various social justice movements and their leadership in advocating for change.
  • Legal and Policy Developments: Reviewing significant legal and policy changes since the 19th Amendment that have advanced or hindered women's rights.
  • Global Perspective: Comparing the women's suffrage movement in the United States with similar movements around the world and their respective impacts on global gender equality.

Connect with an Expert about the 19th Amendment and the women's suffrage movement :

Carla Bittel

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Kathy Roberts Forde

Professor of Journalism · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Catherine Cerulli

Director, Susan B. Anthony Center · University of Rochester

Christopher M. Curtis

Professor of History · Georgia Southern University

Mary Anne Trasciatti

Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric · Hofstra University

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Photo Credit: Library of Congress

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