Loyola Marymount University is a top-ranked national university by U.S. News and World Report, which places LMU among the top six Jesuit universities in the country and in the top six private universities in California. Founded in 1911, LMU is a Catholic, Jesuit, and Marymount university with more than 7,100 undergraduate students and more than 3,000 graduate and law students. LMU offers 56 undergraduate majors and 56 minor programs, along with 46 master’s degree programs, three doctorate programs and 12 credential/authorization programs. LMU’s intercollegiate athletics teams compete in the West Coast Conference with 14 Division I varsity sports. LMU news and events are found at: www.lmu.edu/news.
Experts (1062)
Evelyn McDonnell
Professor of Journalism and New Media
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Journalism New Media Popular Culture and Society Women's Studies
Mary Catherine McElwain
Emerita Professor of Biology
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Biology Gene Regulation Science Education
Cathleen McGrath, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management, College of Business Administration
Associate Chair, Department of Management
Social Network Analysis Organization Theory Managing Innovation Higher Education Research Public Speaking Grant Writing Qualitative Research
Blake Mellor
Chair and Professor of Mathematics
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Knot Theory Precalculus Spatial Graphs Mathematics and Art
John Menaghan
Professor Emeritus of English
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Irish Literature Irish Culture Twentieth-Century Literature The Dramatic Monologue Creative Writing
Michelle McKinnon Miller
Associate Professor of Economics
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Law and Economics Labor Economics Health Economics Economic History
Michael Mills
Associate Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Evolutionary Psychology & Applied Adaptationsim Sex Differences Produced by the Process of Sexual Selection (Evolved Sexually Dimorphic Psychological Adaptations) Psychology and Sustainability Ecological Psychology Animal Behavior / Behavioral Ecology Psychometrics Computer Applications in Psychology
Robin Miskolcze
Professor of English
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
American Romanticism American Realism and Naturalism 19th Century American Women Writers Early American Culture English Literature
Philip Molebash
Professor & Director, Center for Math & Science Teaching (CMAST)
Department of Teaching and Learning
Inquiry Teaching Pedagogical Content Knowledge Digital Narratives
Industry Experience (3)
- Education/Learning
- Research
- Training and Development