Southern Utah University

Southern Utah University

351 W. University Blvd., Cedar City, 84720, UT, US




Southern Utah University is a caring campus community where students come to explore their interests and prepare for meaningful careers and life experiences. With more than 145 undergraduate programs* and 18 graduate and certificate programs across six academic colleges, SUU proudly offers world-class, project-based learning opportunities where students gain professional experience before entering the job market. Located in the world’s best backyard, SUU is the University of the Parks thanks to its close proximity to several outdoor recreational areas and its educational partnerships with the National Park Service. SUU’s safe, residential campus allows students - more than 10,000 - to create lifelong friendships along with once-in-a-lifetime outdoor adventures in conjunction with innovative academic endeavors.



Experts (74)

Ravi Roy

Ravi Roy

Associate Professor of Political Science

Specializing in neoliberalism, political education programs, and the Deming system of profound knowledge

Political Associations Political Education Pograms Deming System of Profound Knowledge Leadership Public Policy Public Administration Neoliberalism Political Science American Government Theoretical Foundations for Issues in Public Administration Political Communication Political Science annd International Relations

Peter Sham

Peter Sham

Professor of Theatre Arts

Specializing in Suzuki movement, directing and producing musical theatre, and character development for actors

Stage Direction Voice and Speech Training Directing Musical Theater Voice Over Producing Musical Theatre Playwriting Lyricist Artistic Direction Producing Musical Theater Character Development for Actors

Jon  Smith

Jon Smith

Professor of Communication

Specializing in public land issues, television news, and documentary film production

Communication Professional Communication in Mass Media Digital Photojournalism Documentary Film Making Television News Journalism Photography International Studies Media Ethics Public Land Issues Environmental Communications Broadcast Journalism Teaching Communication Theory Teaching Media Theory

Michael Stathis

Michael Stathis

Professor of Political Science and International Relations

Specializing in political science, international relations, and media portrayal of Islamic religion

Theories of International Relations Islamic State Fourth Gulf War International Conflict American Government International Law Middle Eastern Politics Political Science/International Relations American Foreign Policy Media Portrayal of Islamic Religion Democracy and Islam

Kevin Stein

Kevin Stein

Director MAPC Program/Professor of Communication

Specializing in the rhetoric of attack, apology, and responses to apology as well as political campaign communication.

Antapologia Strategies Political Campaign Messages Film Rhetoric of Defense Apologia Rhetoric Communication Pop Culture Political Communication Kategoria Rhetoric of Attack Critical Thinking Public Apologies

Tyler Stillman

Tyler Stillman

Professor of Marketing / Director of Entrepreneurship

Specializing in judgment and decision making, social psychology, buyer behavior, and entrepreneurship

Decision and Risk Analysis Psychological Consequences of Social Exclusion Gender Differences in Consumer Behaviors Behavioral Psychology Buyer Behaviour Social Psychology Marketing Judgement and Decision Making Management Psychology Perceived Meaning of Life Free and Unfree Actions

Brandon  Street

Brandon Street

Director of Career & Professional Development Center

Specializing in professional development training, job search strategies, and successful employment outcomes

Workforce Services Workforce Investment Act Youth Program Career Placement Goal Setting Career Coaching Professional Development Training Job Search Strategies Leadership Development Interview Preparation Resume Writing Graduate School Preparation Coaching Successful Employment Outcomes Utah State Employment Programs Labor market research

Garrett Strosser

Garrett Strosser

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology

Specializing in empirical social psychology research on topics such as morality, political psychology, and cultural psychology.

Morality and Values Stigma Against Mentally Ill Statistics in Psychology Social Norms Political Psychology Moral Judgements in Relationships Morality and Religion Ignorance Towards Atheists Forensic Psychology Ethics Dark Triad Traits Culture and Cognition Cognitive Psychology Bicultural Identity

John Taylor

John Taylor

Professor of Biology

Specializing in bat research, collegiate program development, STEM education, and professional development

Herpetology Impact of Biological Problems on Human Affairs Collegiate Program Development STEM Education and Policy Biological Education STEM participation Bat Research Bat Behavior General Education Design and Implementation Evolutionary Biology

Jared Tippets

Jared Tippets

Vice President for Student Affairs

Vice President for Student Affairs | Higher Education Consultant & Speaker | Author | Co-host of the ASCEND Podcast

Retention of First Year College Students Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education Student Involvement in Higher Education Organizational Change in Higher Education Management Systems Student Retention Student Affairs Student Success Leadership Higher Education Administration Higher Education Student Retention Student Mental Health in Higher Education

Industry Experience (1)

  • Education/Learning