In 1965, the University of California, Irvine was founded with a mission to catalyze the community and enhance lives through rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and dedicated public service. Today, we draw on the unyielding spirit of our pioneering faculty, staff and students who arrived on campus with a dream to inspire change and generate new ideas. We believe that true progress is made when different perspectives come together to advance our understanding of the world around us. And we enlighten our communities and point the way to a better future. At UCI, we shine brighter.
Experts (56)
Amir AghaKouchak
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Amir AghaKouchak studies how climate change and variability influence extreme events (flood/drought/heatwaves) and compound hazards.
Climate Extremes Climatology Climate Change Flood Drought Heatwave Hydrology Remote Sensing of the Environment
Aileen Anderson
Director of the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center
Dr. Anderson is an expert on stem cell research, with a focus on spinal cord and traumatic brain injury.
Glioblastoma Stem Cell Biology Stem Cell Research Spinal Cord Injury
Richard Arum
Professor of Education and Sociology
Richard Arum's research is focused on education, social stratification and formal organizations.
Social Stratification Legal and Institutional Environments of Schools Digital Education
Bernadette Boden-Albala
Director of Program in Public Health and Founding Dean of proposed School of Population Health
Bernadette Boden-Albala, Dr.P.H., is a renowned researcher & administrator who researches community-based stroke & heart disease prevention.
Stroke and heart disease prevention Public Health Infectious Diseases COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Jessica Borelli
Associate Professor of Psychological Science
Jessie Borelli's research focuses on the links between close relationships and mental health
Attachment Parenting Developmental Mental Health Health Clinical Parent-Child Relationships
Dr. Daniela Bota
Associate Dean of Clinical Research and Associate Professor of Neurology
Dr. Daniela A. Bota is a UCI Health neuro-oncologist who specializes in the treatment of primary and metastatic brain tumors.
Clinical Trials Neuro-Oncology Brain Cancer Neurology Brain Tumors
Jack Brouwer
Professor: Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Director: National Fuel Cell Research Center, Advanced Power and Energy Program
Jack Brouwer's research focuses on high-temperature electrochemical dynamics and integrated renewable energy systems.
High-Temperature Electrochemical Dynamics Renewable Hydrogen Renewable Power Dynamics Integrated Renewable Power Systems Hybrid Power and Energy Storage Systems
James Bullock
Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Professor Physical Sciences, Physics & Astronomy
James Bullock studies how galaxies and their constituent dark matter halos have formed and evolved over billions of years of cosmic time.
Dark Matter Star Formation Astronomy Galaxy Dynamics Physics
Elizabeth Cauffman
Professor of Psychological Science, Education and Law
Elizabeth Cauffman’s research addresses the intersect between adolescent development and juvenile justice.
Social Ecology Juvenile Justice Adolescent Development Mental Health Legal and Social Policy
Yong Chen
Professor, History
Yong Chen is Professor of Hist. He also served as the Associate Dean of Curricular and Student Services in the School of Humanities.
Chinese American Experience Immigration History Food Asian-American History Cultural History