Villanova University was founded in 1842 by the Order of Saint Augustine. To this day, Villanova’s Augustinian Catholic intellectual tradition is the cornerstone of an academic community in which students learn to think critically, act compassionately and succeed while serving others. Villanova prepares students to become ethical leaders who create positive change everywhere life takes them. The strength of the Villanova experience comes in part from the University’s welcoming community. All members are bonded together by a shared responsibility to uphold the ideals of Saint Augustine and let the principles of truth, unity and love guide their lives. The Villanova community helps students grow intellectually, professionally and spiritually, and challenges them to reach their full potential. The University’s rigorous academic experience, rooted in the liberal arts, forms an environment in which students and professors are partners in learning. The Villanova community is dedicated to providing a personalized experience that fosters every student’s intellectual and spiritual well-being. As part of their education, students are encouraged to enrich their own lives by working for those in need. Through academic and service programs, students use their knowledge, skills and compassion to better the world around them. There are more than 10,000 undergraduate, graduate and law students in the University’s six colleges—the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Villanova School of Business, the College of Engineering, the College of Nursing, the College of Professional Studies and the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. These colleges are the setting for an experience that develops both the heart and the mind, and creates the atmosphere where students are called to ignite change. Villanova University is located in a suburban community 12 miles west of Philadelphia, Pa.
Experts (120)
Rebecca Shenkman
Director of the MacDonald Center for Nutrition Education and Research | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing
Rebecca Shenkman, MPH, RD, LDN, is an expert in nutrition, weight management, and using food to help prevent and control disease
Weight Management Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Nutrition Nutrition & Disease Prevention Childhood Obesity Diet and Behaviors
Paul Steege, PhD
Associate Professor of History | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Paul Steege, PhD, is a go-to expert on twentieth-century Germany and researches the history of violence in everyday life.
World Cup Cold War History of Violence History of Soccer Nazi Germany 20th-Century Berlin German History
Charles Taylor, PhD
John A. Murphy Endowed Chair Professor of Marketing; Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Marketing and Consumer Insights | Villanova School of Business
Charles "Ray" Taylor, PhD, is a go-to source on advertising, international marketing, branding and consumer behavior
Business Black Friday Big Event Advertising Marketing Advertising Market Research Advertising Regulations Marketing Strategy Superbowl Advertising Branding Retailing
Thomas Toppino, PhD
Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Thomas Toppino, PhD, is an expert in practice in learning and memory, and visual perception of reversible ambiguous figures.
Practice in Learning and Memory Visual Perception of Reversible Ambiguous Figures Psychology
Joseph Toscano, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Director, Cognitive Science Program | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Joseph Toscano, PhD, is an expert in human speech recognition and language comprehension through the study of brain and behavior.
Psychology Cognitive Psychology Perception and Language Speech Communication Language Development Hearing Loss Speech recognition Perception Cognitive Neuroscience Neural Networks
Beth Vallen, PhD
Professor of Marketing and Business Law | Villanova School of Business
Beth Vallen, PhD, is an expert on consumer behavior, with a focus on health-related decision making
Food Marketing Consumer Goals/Motivation Consumer Behavior Health-related Decision Making Business
Klaus E. Volpert, PhD
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences
Klaus E. Volpert, PhD is an expert in mathematics of finance and economics, pricing of financial derivatives, and pedagogy of mathematics.
Mathematics of Income Inequality Mathematics of Finance and Economics Pricing of Financial Derivatives Pedagogy of Mathematics Differential Geometry Algebraic Topology Mathematics
Bridget Wadzuk, PhD
Edward A. Daylor Chair in Civil Engineering | Director of Sustainable Engineering | Director of Strategic Initiatives| College of Engineering
Bridget Wadzuk, PhD, is an expert in water resources engineering, environmental fluid dynamics, and stormwater wetlands
Stormwater Green Infrastructure Water Resources Engineering Stormwater Management Rain Gardens Environmental Fluid Dynamics
Randy Weinstein, PhD
Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning; Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Randy Weinstein, PhD, is an authority on chemical engineering and an expert on teaching and learning methods in higher ed.
Teaching and Learning Methods Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Flipped Learning Chemical Engineering Problems Surface Science Thermodynamics Supercritical Fluids/Nanomaterials
Deena Weisberg, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences
Deena Weisberg, Ph.D., studies imaginative cognition and scientific thinking in young children and adults.
Child Development Imagination Public Understanding of Science Galapagos Islands Pretend Play Fictional Stories Scientific Thinking Guided Play
Industry Experience (6)
- Business Services
- Education/Learning
- Financial Services
- Legal Services
- Research
- Training and Development