David J. Thomas, Ph.D., LMHC

Expert in policing in America · Florida Gulf Coast University

David Thomas is a veteran police officer specializing in mental health, police and minority relations, active shooters and mass casualties.

Psychology of School Shooters Law Enforcement Mental Health Policing in America Police Psychology Use of Force by Police

David L. Faigman

Chancellor & Dean | John F. Digardi Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: faigmand@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4700 Office 300-200

Constitutional Law Scientific Methods for Lawyers Science Policy Scientific Evidence Peer Review; Expert Testimony

Lisa Briggs

Professor, Director of Emergency and Disaster Management · Western Carolina University

Lisa Briggs specializes in forensic based criminology with a focus on missing persons, as well as the use of scent detection K9s.

Crime and Deviance Forensic Based Criminology Criminology Missing Persons Scent Detection K9s

Dale Wheeler

Principal-in-Charge · Systech Fire Protection LLC.

Dale Wheeler is a leading expert in the field of fire-protection and safety

Fire Detection Smoke Detection Fire Alarm Central Stations Sprinkler Systems

Jeremy McCallum

Professor and Interim Chair of Chemistry & Biochemistry · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Chemistry Oxidation Organic Chemistry Science NMR

Karissa Haugeberg

Associate Professor · Tulane University

Karissa Haugeberg is a historian of women, gender, and medicine in the 20th c. United States

Roe v Wade Abortion Gender Equality History of Nursing U.S. Anti-Abortion Movement