Brenton R. Graveley, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Genetics and Genome Sciences · University of Connecticut

Professor Graveley is an expert in genetics and genomic sciences, with particular focus on RNA biology.

Micro RNAs Genetics and Genomics Genome Sciences RNA Biology

April Wynn

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Wynn is a plant geneticist and is interested in examining the intersection of genetic regulatory networks for seed and flower formation.

Genetic Regulation Developmental Genetics Plant Genetics Molecular Biology

Deborah Bolnick, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Bolnick is an expert on genetic ancestry testing and how sociopolitical forces & history shape human genomic diversity.

Native American Genetic Histories Human Biodiversity Genetic Ancestry Testing Anthropology Ancient DNA

Heather Hampel

Professor I Department of Internal Medicine · The Ohio State University

Professor Hampel works to screen all colorectal and endometrial cancer patients for Lynch syndrome.

Clinical Cancer Genetics Lynch Syndrome Colon Cancer Research Uterine Cancer Cancer Genetics

Takahiro Soda

Assistant Professor/Medical Director · University of Florida

Dr. Takahiro Soda conducts clinical research in autism and neurodevelopmental disorders in adults, adolescents and children.

Integrating Genetics into Psychiatric Care Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Autism Spectrum Disorder

Connie Mulligan

Professor · University of Florida

Connie Mulligan is interested in understanding patterns of human genetic variation with implications for human health and evolution.

Syrian Refugees Impact of Stress Complex Phenotypes Influence of Genetics on Response to Trauma and Stress Epigenetic Analysis

RJ Nowling, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Nowling is passionate about CS education and collaborating with students in research at the interface of computer science and biology.

Computer Science Machine Learning Data Science Genomics Data Structures and Algorithms

Stacy Drury, MD

Remigio Gonzalez MD Endowed Professorship of Child Psychiatry, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Vice Chair of Research, Department of Pediatrics · Tulane University

Drury explores how early life adversity interacts with genetic and epigenetic factors to shape child health and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Telomeres Health Disparities Pediatric Medicine Child Psychiatry Genetics

Russell Schwartz

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Russell Schwartz works in computational biology and the use of algorithms, AI, machine learning, and simulation in biomedical science.

Cancer Biology Biophysics Population Genetics Computational Genomics Machine Learning

Wolfgang Banzhaf

Entomologist and Osteopathic Medical Specialist · Michigan State University

Expert in genetic programming and evolutionary computation

Computer Science Evolutionary Computation Machine Learning Algorithms Theoretical Physics

Marla Sokolowski

University Professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · University of Toronto

Sokolowski's work is esteemed worldwide as a clear, integrative paragon of the manner in which genes can interact with the environment.

Genetics Molecular Biology Scientific Writing Higher Education Public Speaking

Roxanne Mykitiuk

Associate Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School · York University

Roxanne Mykitiuk investigates the legal, ethical and social implications of assisted reproductive and genetic technologies.

Health Law Disability Law Feminist Legal Theory Family Law Genetics and the Law

Toby S. Daly-Engel, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Daly-Engel's research uses genomics, field ecology and modelling to study shark populations.

Molecular Ecology Shark Behavior Marine Biology Field Ecology Genomics


Professor and Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy · Dalhousie University

Dr. Baylis researches matters related to ethics, health law and policy of assisted human reproduction and novel genetic technologies.

Bioethics Assisted Human Reproduction Genetic Technologies & Ethics Genetics and the Law Policy & Regulation Identity

Julian Ford, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Psychiatry · University of Connecticut

Director, Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice and Center for the Treatment of Developmental Trauma Disorders

Psychiatry Treatment of Trauma Trauma Stress Trauma in Children

Darby Harris

Associate Instructor · Western Carolina University

Leaf Expert Molecular Physiology Molecular Biology Genetics

Ellen Clayton

Craig-Weaver Professor of Pediatrics; Professor of Law; Professor of Health Policy · Vanderbilt University

World-renowned medical ethicist working at the intersection of law, medicine and public health, with a focus on genetics.

Gender and the Law Legal and Ethical Issues in Children's and Women's Health Research Ethics Genetics and Health Policy Medical Ethics

M. Eric Benbow

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Insect - Microbe interactions in aquatic ecology, forensics, and human health.

Forensic Sciences Infectious Disease Ecology Aquatic Entomology Aquatic Ecology Microbial Ecology

Eric Loken, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Educational Psychology · University of Connecticut

Professor Loken studies advanced statistical modeling with applications to large-scale educational testing.

Online Testing Educational Psychology Educational Testing Bayesian Inference

Christopher Kaczor

Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Bioethics Ethics Positive Psychology & Spirituality Catholic Church