Ümit Özgür, Ph.D.

Engineering Foundation Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Özgür specializes in optical spectroscopy and photonic devices

Ultrafast spectroscopy Group III-nitride and zinc oxide optoelectronics Light emitting diodes III-V and II-VI semiconductor heterostructures Nonlinear optics

David Vaillancourt

Professor/Chair · University of Florida

David Vaillancourt’s studies how the brain regulates voluntary and involuntary movement with a specific focus on motor disorders.

Structural and Functional Imaging in Rodents and Humans Rehabilitative, Surgical and Pharmacological Interventions for Motor Disorders Cortical Oscillations that Underlie Voluntary and Involuntary Movement Neuroscience and the Brain Progression Markers of Parkinson’s Disease

Sheng Dai

Assistant Professor, Geosystems Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Sheng Dai develops innovative testing techniques to study properties and processes in soils and rocks at elevated pressure and temperatures.

Reservoir Geomechanics Geomaterials Characteriztion Energy Geotechnics Flow in Porous and Fractured Media

R. Helen Zha

Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Develops biohybrid and bioinspired materials for applications in human healthcare and sustainability.

Biomimetic and Bio-inspired Materials Biomolecular Engineering and Self-assembly Sustainable Materials and Plastic Upcycling Drug delivery and Nanomedicine Nanostructured Soft Matter

Alona Fyshe

Assistant Professor · University of Victoria, Computer Science Department

Machine Learning and the Neuroscience of Language Understanding

Machine Learning Neuroscience and Language Computational Linguistics Natural Language Processing Data Analysis and Data Mining

Babak Baban, PhD

Associate Dean for Research, Dental College of Georgia · Augusta University

Babak Baban, PhD, is a professor, immunologist and associate dean for research at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Lung Cancer Oral Biology Cancer

Lisa Holle, Pharm.D., BCOP, FHOPA

Associate Clinical Professor of Pharmacy Practice · University of Connecticut

Dr. Holle’s clinical research focuses on medical marijuana, oral cancer therapy management, and impact of clinical pharmacy services

MyDispense Medical Marijuana Pain Cancer Cancer Therapeutics

Wei-Ning Wang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Aerosol-enabled technologies towards addressing critical challenges in the sectors of energy, the environment, and human health.

Aerosol science and technology Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Environmental Science and Technology Heterogeneous Catalysis Materials Science and Engineering

John McCulloch

Founder & Managing Director · Burloch Group Inc.

Engaging and knowledgeable speaker with deep expertise in biotechnology investment.

Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals Innovation Investment

Kathryn L. Humphreys

Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development · Vanderbilt University

A clinical psychologist with expertise in infant mental health.

tender age detainment centers Infants and Toddlers Orphanages Parent child separations Migrant Youth

Michael Ehrlich

Associate Professor of Finance and Co-Director of NJ Innovation Acceleration Center · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Ehrlich's research focuses on financial markets and institutions, with an emphasis on market failures

Innovation Commercialization of Innovation Market Failures Financial Crises Financial Markets

Hong Zhao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Specializing in solid-liquid interactions, self-assembly of colloidal nano particles, and development of various printing processes

Additive Manufacturing/3d Printing Printed functional devices Transport and self-assembly of colloidal nanoparticles Surface science and surface engineering

Tara Alvarez

Professor and Director, Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Program · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Alvarez conducts neuroscience research for helping patients recover their vision and for diagnosing other visual diseases.

Vision Therapy Virtual Reality Vision Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering

Michael Savarese, Ph.D.

Expert in sea-level rise and environmental change · Florida Gulf Coast University

Michael Savarese studies the history of environmental change in coastal areas and how this can inform the future.

Conservation Paleobiology Geologic History of Southwest Florida Climate Change Coastal Geology Sea Level Rise

Davender Gupta

Venture Catalyst and Business Leadership Coach · Visioneering Institute - StartupAcadémie

Venture Catalyst & Leadership Coach for high-performance entrepreneurs

Business Networking Start-Ups Personal Development

Robert Hacala

Logo and brand developer · Better Business Brand

Making Professionals Unforgettable

Graphic Design Brand Development Freelancing

Ryan Hamilton

Associate Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Customer Psychology Customer Decision Making Branding Price and Price Image

Frank Felker

Founder & President · Digital Media Positioning

Highly-reviewed speaker with scores of presentations to business groups nationwide on entrepreneurship, digital marketing & direct sales.

Sales Marketing Entrepreneurship Social Media Digital Publishing

John Pironti

President · IP Architects, LLC.

Experienced, knowledgable, dynamic, high energy speaker who is an industry thought leader information risk management and security and has a

Information Risk Management and Security Cyber Security It Audit It Compliance It Risk Management

Christopher D. Carothers

Director, Center for Computational Innovations (CCI) & Professor, Computer Science · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Researches massively parallel computer systems with a focus on modeling and simulation systems

Information and Computer Science Parallel Discrete-Event Simulation Computer Science Massively Parallel Systems Modeling and Simulation Systems