Erno Hannink

Social Media Mentor · ErnoHannink

Make your Coaching Biz No.1 in your Niche

Attracting Clients Attracting Clients Via Social Media Facebook for Business Grow Your Business Family & Business Balance

Steffanie Scott

Professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Management · University of Waterloo

Leading international scholar on food security, food system change, and COVID-19 impacts on the food suppy.

Food Agriculture & Environment COVID-19 (Coronavirus) China Food Policy Local Food Systems

Rayid Ghani

Distinguished Career Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Rayid Ghani is a reformed computer scientist who wants to increase the use of large-scale Machine Learning in solving large public policy.

Predictive Analytics Machine Learning Ethics Public Policy Information Systems

Marie Wiese

President · Marketing CoPilot

Marie Wiese is a senior marketing executive with 20+ years’ experience in strategic marketing

Online Marketing Marketing Strategy Lead Generation Social Media Marketing Digital Marketing

John Scherk

Associate Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics

Dr. Scherk's research interests lie in algebraic geometry.

Algebraic Geometry

Michael Weiner, PhD

Professor and Assistant Dean of Faculty · Soka University

Professor of East Asian History and International Studies, Associate Dean of Faculty and Director of Faculty Research and Development.

Race, Ethnicity and Migration in Modern and Imperial Japan Japan's Minorities Economic and Social History of Modern Japan

Eric Weaver

CEO · Transparent Path

Bringing IoT, blockchain and AI together to reduce risk, loss and waste in the food supply.

Social Business Consumer Behavior Social Media Social Media Analytics Big Data Analytics

John Leonard, Ph.D.

Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Leonard teaches databases, user interfaces and video game design. Research interests cover modeling, analytics and visualization.

Modeling and simulation of traffic and transportation systems Traffic flow theory and traffic engineering Intelligent transportation systems Institutional Research Studies of higher education institutions

Andrew Ellis

Professor of Optical Communications/Deputy Director of the Aston Institute of Photonics Technology (AIPT) · Aston University

Professor Ellis researches optical superchannels and advanced passive optical networks for the delivery of Tbit/s class broadband.

5G Broadband Optical communications Photonics Signal Processing

Donald Sull

Professor · London Business School

One of the ten new management gurus you should know--Fortune Magazine

Executing Strategy for Results Thriving in Turbulent Markets Strategy and Execution Simple Rules for A Complex World

Kali Kniel

Professor, Microbial Food Safety · University of Delaware

Prof. Kniel’s laboratory explores issues of food safety and public health that involve transmission of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

Food Systems Pathogenic Bacteria Food Safety Public Health Microorganisms

Glenn Hefley

Novelist and Writer · MeForShe, and OpenCore Hunter

Novelist and Social Media Marketing

SEO Web Marketing Marketing Equality - Political Unity - Solidarity

Arayan Richard Jenkins

English Department head · Murni Nursing College

Dynamic, entertaining and simply educational, with a hint of jovial understanding.

Office Skills and the Telephone Grooming and the Young Executive Human Develolment Education

David Bader

Distinguished Professor, Data Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Interests lie at the intersection of data science & high-performance computing, with applications in cybersecurity

Graph Analytics Massive-Scale Analytics High-Performance Computing Data Science Applications in Cybersecurity

Jessalynn Keller

Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Media and Film · University of Calgary

Expert in girls'/youth media, digital cultures, contemporary feminisms, & celebrity

Girls' media cultures Celebrity Culture Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods and Analysis Digital Media Feminisms and Gender Studies

Kathryn Libal, Ph.D.

Director, Human Rights Institute and Professor, Social Work & Human Rights · University of Connecticut

Professor Libal researches human rights norms and practices, including the ability to secure adequate food and housing.

U.S. Resettlement of Refugees Asylum Seekers Women's Rights Children's Rights Migrant Children

Beth Mineo

Associate Professor, Education; Director, Center for Disabilities Studies · University of Delaware

Prof. Mineo's Research focuses on autism and other communication disorders, particularly language disorders.

Assistive Technology Development Accessible Instructional Materials Speech and Language Pathology Communication Difficulties

Roxane Cohen Silver

Distinguished Professor of Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Roxane Cohen Silver studies stress, traumatic events, coping, disasters, health psychology and social psychology.

Health Psychology Stress Traumatic Events Coping Social Psychology

Tim Baines

Professor of Operations Strategy · Aston University

Professor Baines specialises in the realisation of competitive manufacturing operations.

Business Models Advanced Services Servitization Manufacturing Operations Strategy

Stefanos Karagos

Founder - Information Alchemist · XPLAIN

An Award Winning Disruptive Keynote Speaker using non-Conventional Ways to Interact with the Audience.

Content Strategy Social Media Roi Content Marketing