Kelly Shannon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Executive Director, Center for Peace, Justice, & Human Rights (PJHR) · Florida Atlantic University

Kelly Shannon, Ph.D., specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations with the Islamic world and women's human rights.

Diplomatic History Women's Rights Modern Islamic World 20th Century U.S. U.S. Foreign Relations

Lori Foroozandeh

Author · Author

Speaker for WOMENS rights EVERYWHERE: Domestic Violence, Childhood sexual abuse, fighting for Womens Rights in IRAN!!!

Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Laws and Culture in Iran (What to Avoid) Domestic Violence (Sharing and Motivation) Islam Muslim

David Mednicoff

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and Public Policy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

David Mednicoff is an expert in law, politics and policy in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

Middle Eastern, Comparative, and International Law and Politics U.S. Foreign Policy Human Rights Refugee Politics

Russell Lucas

Professor of International Relations and Global Studies · Michigan State University

Expert in U.S.-Middle East relations and politics of the Arab world

Democratization Saudi Arabia Public Opinion Middle East Politics Foreign Policy

Farhang Rouhani

Associate Professor of Geography · University of Mary Washington

Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Gender Studies Queer Theory Cultural Geography Iranian and Muslim Diaspora Human Geography

Ruba Ali Al-Hassani

Postdoctoral Research Associate · Lancaster University

Middle Eastern Affairs Iraqi Affairs Counter-Terrorism Islamophobia Racial Profiling

Isaac Chun-Hai Fung

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Isaac Chun-Hai Fung is a digital health expert and an infectious disease epidemiologist.

Digital Health Outbreak Responses Epidemiology Infectious Disease Epidemiology Emergency Preparedness

Mahmoud Nourayi, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor of Accounting, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Tax + Financial Consultant Auditor in Government and Public Accounting Internal Auditor + Accounting Manager Public Accounting

Carrie Liu Currier

Associate Professor and Department Chair · Texas Christian University

Dr. Currier specializes in Chinese politics, East Asia, gender and politics, and Asian Americans in higher education

US-China relations Asian Americans in Higher Education Politics of China International relations of East Asia Gender & Politics

Craig Albert, PhD

Graduate Director, PhD in Intelligence, Defense, and Cybersecurity Policy and Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies · Augusta University

Dr. Craig Albert focuses on propaganda, information warfare, national security studies, cyberconflict, and political thought.

Political Philosophy Ethnic Conflict Influence Operations Cybersecurity Policy & Strategy International Security Studies

Steven E. Harris

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Harris is an expert on modern Russian and European history.

Aerospace History Commercial Aviation Russian History Contemporary Russia Global Socialism

Glen Duerr, Ph.D.

Professor of International Studies · Cedarville University

Dr. Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secession, comparative politics, and international relations theory

International Terrorism Domestic Terrorism International Relations Brexit

Thomas Kostigen

Bestselling author · Thomas Kostigen

Celebrity Collaboration / Climate / Sustainable Food

Collaboration and New Ways of Working Journalism Environment Climate Business

Karen Musalo

Professor of Law, International Law Professorship Chair and Director of the Center for Gender & Refugee Studies · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4720 / Office 403-100

Refugee Law and Policy Gender Asylum Women's Rights Child Migrant's Rights Gender Justice / Central America

Francis Galgano, PhD

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Francis A. Galgano, PhD, specializes in coastal geography and military geography.

Piracy Environmental security Environmental Change Geophysical Processes Military Geography

Peter J. Bergerson, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus · Florida Gulf Coast University

Peter Bergerson focuses on U.S. campaigns and elections, the presidency and congress.

U.S. Census Florida Politics Florida Elections Florida's role in national elections U.S. Politics

Mehrdad Aghagholizadeh

Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Performance-Based Design Structural Health Monitoring Earthquake Engineering Structural Engineering Structural Dynamics

William Luther, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Florida Atlantic University

William Luther, Ph.D., is an expert in monetary economics and macroeconomics.

Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Monetary Policy Inflation Economic Growth

George Torok

Marketing Expert, Keynote Speaker, Speech Coach for Executives · Power Marketing

Marketing Expert, Keynote Speaker, Bestselling Author - Secrets of Power Marketing

Success Motivation Inspiration Personal Marketing Marketing

Amir AghaKouchak

Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering · UC Irvine

Amir AghaKouchak studies how climate change and variability influence extreme events (flood/drought/heatwaves) and compound hazards.

Climate Extremes Climatology Climate Change Flood Drought