Michael J. McClure, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | BE, Vanderbilt University | Ph.D, Virginia Commonwealth University · VCU College of Engineering

Understanding the role of extracellular matrix and mechanical forces to regulate skeletal muscle structure, function, and innervation.

Muscle aging Cell-matrix interactions Integrin-mediated signaling Myoblast fusion Regenerative rehabilitation in skeletal muscle trauma


Professor and Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy · Dalhousie University

Dr. Baylis researches matters related to ethics, health law and policy of assisted human reproduction and novel genetic technologies.

Bioethics Assisted Human Reproduction Genetic Technologies & Ethics Genetics and the Law Policy & Regulation Identity

Jade Mitchell

Assistant Professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering · Michigan State University

Mitchell is an expert on human health risk analysis when it comes to contamination in the environment through water and soil

Environmental Pathogenic Agents Biosystems Water Contamination

Shawn (Sheng-Chieh) Chen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Shawn's research interests include airborne and liquid-borne nanoparticle filtration, NanoEHS, and indoor and urban air pollution control.

Nanofiltration and ultrafiltration Air pollution control Aerosol sampling and instrumentation Indoor Air Quality CFD simulation

Isaac Record

Associate Teaching Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology · Michigan State University

Isaac Record researches how technology affects what we know, especially online.

Heather M. Field

Eucalyptus Foundation Chair & Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: fieldh@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4716 / Office 334-200

Taxation Law Federal Income Taxation Tax Elections Tax Ethics Corporate Taxation

Edward Guinan, PhD

Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Edward Guinan, PhD, an expert in astronomy and space science research explores the sun, stars, planets, extraterrestrial life potential.

Severe & Hazardous Weather / Global Warming Interstellar Travel Potential Pulsating Stars and Stellar Evolution Exoplanets and the Suitability of Exoplanets for Life Astrobiology/Exobiology

David Takacs

Professor of Law, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: takacsd@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4845 / Office 329-200

Climate Change Law Environmental Law Earth Systems Science Biodiversity Law International Environmental Law

Manasvi Lingam, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Lingam's research interests are primarily within the transdisciplinary areas of astrobiology.

Planetary Science Plasma Physics Astrobiology Astrophysics

Sheng Dai

Assistant Professor, Geosystems Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Sheng Dai develops innovative testing techniques to study properties and processes in soils and rocks at elevated pressure and temperatures.

Reservoir Geomechanics Geomaterials Characteriztion Energy Geotechnics Flow in Porous and Fractured Media

Jennifer Jordan, Ph.D., M.S., FSCMR

Assistant Professor and ABET Coordinator, Department of Biomedical Engineering · B.S., NC State - Biomedical Engineering | Ph.D., VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences - Biomedical Engineering | M.S., Wake Forest - Clinical and Population Translational Sciences

Dr. Jordan's research involves translational cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in cardio-oncology, sarcoidosis, and heart failure.

Heart Failure Image Processing Medical Imaging Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cardio-Oncology

Sara Seager

Professor of Planetary Science, Physics, and Aerospace Engineering · Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sara Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientist, and is an expert in theory, computation, and data analysis of exoplanets.

Exoplanet Habitable Zones Exoplanet Atmospheres Exoplanet Interior Composition

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Professor of Psychology · University of Toronto

You can forget the trail of breadcrumbs on this journey since you're going to a place where the cream of the real you shines through!

The Psychology of Personality Intelligence Behavioral and Brain Sciences Cognitive Psychology Neuropsychology

Fumiko Hoeft

Professor and Campus Director, UConn Waterbury · University of Connecticut

Dr. Hoeft is a neurophysiologist, as well as a systems and developmental cognitive neuroscientist.

Neuroimaging Scientific Writing Neuroscience Science Life Sciences

Connie Mulligan

Professor · University of Florida

Connie Mulligan is interested in understanding patterns of human genetic variation with implications for human health and evolution.

Syrian Refugees Impact of Stress Complex Phenotypes Influence of Genetics on Response to Trauma and Stress Epigenetic Analysis

Metin Duran, PhD

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Metin Duran, PhD, is an expert on using beneficial microorganisms to re-mediate pollutants and remove harmful microorganisms from water.

Microbial Water Quality Renewable Energy from Waste Wastewater Treatment Water Pollution

Jeff LaMack, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jeff LaMack is a biomedical engineer with expertise on effects of cardiovascular fluid mechanics on devices and pathologies.

Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum Design and Assessment Engineering Education Biomaterials Biomedical Engineering Effects of Cardiovascular Fluid Mechanics on Devices and Pathologies

Ravindra Kolhe, PhD

Director, Georgia Esoteric & Molecular Laboratory at Augusta University · Augusta University

Ravindra Kolhe is a Molecular and Genetic Pathologist, involved in identifying and validating cutting-edge platforms for diagnostic medicine

Pathology Informatics Genetic Pathology Molecular Pathology Surgical Pathology

Nastassja A. Lewinski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Lewinski's research topics include nanomaterial toxicity, nanomedicine, and nanoinformatics.

Nanomaterial toxicity Nanoinformatics Nanomedicine Advanced in vitro exposure systems Comparative in vitro – in vivo analyses

Anna Nagurney

Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, Isenberg School of Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Anna Nagurney studies network systems with applications including congested urban transportation networks, disaster relief and supply chains

War in in Ukraine and supply issues Cold Chain Logistics Supply Chain and Logistics Management Sustainable Supply Chains COVID-19 and supply chains