Gerald Kauffman
Project Director, Water Resources Center, Institute for Public Administration; Assistant Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware
Prof. Kauffman focuses on drinking water: water supply, water quality, policy, handling droughts and floods.
Public Policy Water Policy Water Supply Water Quality Watershed Planning
Jessica Millward
Associate Professor of History and African American Studies · UC Irvine
Her research focuses on comparative slavery and emancipation, African American history, gender and the law.
Anti-Black violence African American History Humanities U.S. History Juneteenth
Christine Henry
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Professor Henry is an expert on historic preservation, currently focusing on the history of Fredericksburg, VA.
Vernacular Architecture Historic Preservation Architectural History Urban Planning Architecture
John R. Cooley, MBA, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Residence · University of Connecticut
John R. Cooley studies speciation and species distributions, using cicada species as model organisms.
Cicadas Speciation Species Distribution Modeling Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Chenfeng Xiong, PhD
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Villanova University
Dr. Xiong conducts AI and big-data research on human mobility, and its relations with policies, environment, & public health.
Big Data Electric Vehicle and Hydrogen Vehicle Human Mobility Transportation and Environment Transportation Engineering
David Schweidel
Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology
Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics
Kathy Seifert
Dr. Seifert brings her unique research on the roots and prevention of violent crime and dynamic style to your discussion of today's top issu
Treatment of Trauma and Attachment Problems Assessment and Treatment of Violence Developmental Effects of Trauma Threat Assessment
Marlene Schwartz, Ph.D.
Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health (Principal Investigator); Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies · University of Connecticut
Dr. Schwartz specializes in school wellness and nutrition programs, and food insecurity.
Food Pantries School Food SNAP School Food Options Nutrition
Chris Williams
Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware
Prof. Williams serves as Director of the Waterfowl and Upland Gamebird Center.
Zoology Game Bird Ecology Wildlife Ecology Waterfowl Ecology Bird Populations and Habitats
Patrick Baron
Assistant Professor · Western Carolina University
Patrick Baron's work focuses on social and environmental determinants of health and disparity.
Social Determinants of Health Mixed-Methods Research and Study Design Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Community Health Disparities
Michelle McKinnon Miller
Associate Professor of Economics · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Law and Economics Labor Economics Health Economics Economic History
Tara Trammell
Associate Professor, Urban Forestry · University of Delaware
Prof. Trammell studies how biophysical and sociological factors affect urban ecosystem structure and function.
Invasive Species Urban Forests Urban Ecosystems Biology Pollution
Paul Herrnson, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science · University of Connecticut
Paul Herrnson's interests include political parties and elections, money and politics, and voting systems and election administration.
Political Behavior American Institutions and Politics Election Administration Voting Systems Public Opinion
Lauren McMillan
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Lauren McMillan is the University of Mary Washington's resident historical archaeologist and an expert on middle-Atlantic American history.
African Disapora Archaeology Archaeology Anthropology Historical Archaeology
Kevin Brinson
Assistant Research Professor and Delaware State Climatologist · University of Delaware
Applied climatologist specializing in hydroclimatology, weather observation systems, and climate services.
Climate Data Analysis Environmental Data Systems Management Environmental Data Analysis Operations Applied Research
Jared McDonald
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. McDonald teaches courses related to American government, political behavior, public policy, and research methodology.
Research Methodology Political Psychology American Government Public Opinion Voting and Elections
Fred Carstensen, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Fred Carstensen is an expert in the areas of public policy, economic history and economics.
Finance Public Policy Economic History Economics
Akilah C. Thompson, EA
CEO, Inspirational Speaker , Fitness Coach · ACT INSPIRES INC.
Invite me to encourage your audience to "ACT" on their dreams and release the BEaST!
Tax Public Speaking Internal Controls
Kuldeep Neote
Senior Director · Consulate General of Canada (CTA Boston)
Kuldeep focuses primarily on the areas of Oncology and Immunology.
Drug Discovery Immunology Oncology Molecular Biology
Miguel McInnis
Managing Director · McInnis & Associates Consulting, LLC
A Seasoned Health Care Executive and Strategist on Health Care Access for Poor and Underserved Populations
Community Based Primary Care Access Planning Role of State Government in Incubating Health Care Access The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Supporting Health Care Access