Joan C. Williams
Distinguished Professor of Law, UC Hastings Foundation Chair and Director of the Center for WorkLife Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4706 / Office 402-100
Property Law Feminist Legal Theory Work Life Balance Gender and Sexuality in the Law Work Conflict
Kim Anderson
Associate Professor, Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition · University of Guelph
Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies
Oral history and Indigenous knowledge translation Community-based Indigenous research Indigenous Masculinities Indigenous feminism Gender and Indigenous peoples
David Berri
Department Chair and Professor of Economics · Southern Utah University
Specializing in evaluations of players and coaches in sports, gender issues in sports, and competitive balance in sports
Distrubution of Wealth and Power Unpaid Athletes in the NCAA NBA Salary Caps Sports Economics NCAA
Lyndsay Green
Sociologist · Independent
Lyndsay Green is a sociologist and researcher who has spent her career helping people use communications technologies for learning
Sociology Communication Retirement Education Aging and Elderly Parenting and Technology
Harry Reis
Professor of Psychology and Dean's Professor in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering · University of Rochester
Professor Harry Reis' research interests involve social interaction and close relationships.
Marriage and Close Relationships Health and Psychological Well Being Social interaction Intimacy Emotion Regulation
Claudia Buchmann
Professor and Chair | Department of Sociology · The Ohio State University
Expert in gender, race and class from a sociological perspective.
Social Stratification Education Gender Race and Ethnicity Comparative and International Sociology
Jesse Fox
Assistant Professor | School of Communication · The Ohio State University
Communication expert, focusing on the impact of new media on human sociality
Social media use Representations of sex, gender, and sexuality in media Representations in virtual environments Prosocial communication
Professor Brendan Gough
Director of Research · Leeds Beckett University
Professor Brendan Gough is a Critical Social Psychologist and qualitative researcher interested in men and masculinities.
Men’s Grooming Men’s Experiences of Infertility Qualitative Research Methods Psychology Mental Health Issues
Eric Layland
Assistant Professor · University of Delaware
Prof. Layland bridges LGBTQ+ developmental research to community impact.
LGBTQ+ Developmental Research Health Disparities Health Equity Quantitative Research LGBTQ+ Advocacy
Jane Caputi, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Jane Caputi, Ph.D., is an expert in contemporary American cultural studies, including popular culture, gender and violence, and ecofeminism.
Feminism Gender and Violence Contemporary American Cultural Studies Popular Culture Ecofeminism
Yasser Payne
Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice; Africana Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Payne's research examines gun violence; policing and reentry; and educational inequality in street-identified populations.
Gun Violence Street Ethnography School Violence and School-To-Prison Pipeline Experiences With Police Ethnographic Field Research
Roderick L. Carey
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Carey's research serves to make sense of the school experiences of black and Latino adolescent boys and young men in urban contexts.
Teacher Education Post-Secondary Education Developmental Psychology African American Education Latino Education
Genny Beemyn
Director of The Stonewall Center · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Genny Beemyn is an expert on the lives of transgender college students and on trans-inclusive policies and practices on college campuses.
LGBTQ Equality Transgender Issues Trans Youth Transgender Mental Health Transgender Law and Policy
Joni Hersch
Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair Professor of Law and Economics; Co-Director, Ph.D. Program in Law and Economics · Vanderbilt University
Expert in employment discrimination, focusing particularly on women, minorities and immigrants.
Employment Law Employment & Labour Law Sex Discrimination Labor Economics Employment Discrimination
Jonathan M. Metzl
Frederick B. Rentschler II Professor of Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society · Vanderbilt University
World-renowned expert on gun violence and mental illness, white identity politics and race and health.
Mass shootings Mental Health Guns in America Guns and Mental Illness Race, Gender and Social Justice in Healthcare
Elizabeth Culatta, PhD
Assistant Profoessor · Augusta University
My research program concentrates on how identity processes affect health, especially during the transition to adulthood.
Sexual Harassment Mental Health Identity Processes in Transition to Adulthood Sociology of health and illness Sociology of Health Care
Anna Muraco
Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Intersection of Gay and Straight Life in Aging Social Relationships Gender Aging and the Life Course Caregiving and Friendship Across the Life Course
Miriam Liss
Professor of Psychology · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Liss is internationally known expert on parenting and work-family balance issues.
Mindfulness Work-Life Balance Feminism Parenting Social Media
Michelle Orihel
Associate Professor of History · Southern Utah University
Specializing in history lessons in pop culture, gender history in the United States, and the English revolution
Women in U.S. History Women in Colonial America Gender History in the United States Political Associations Journalism History
Charli Carpenter
Professor of Political Science and Director of Human Security Lab · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Charli Carpenter's teaching and research interests include the protection of civilians, laws of war and humanitarian affairs.
International Relations World Politics Children Born of War Global Issue Networks Laws of War