Amy J. Williams
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Amy J. Williams is searching for habitable environments and microbial life on Mars and outer world moons.
Space Persverance Rover NASA Mars Missions Mars Missions Mars
Karyn Rogers
Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Focuses on the relationships between microbial communities and environmental conditions in extreme ecosystems
Geobiology Geological & Environmental Sciences Geochemistry Geomicrobiology Astrobiology
Tanya Harrison
Fellow · Outer Space Institute
Professional Martian who has worked on rocks and robots on the Red Planet.
Space and Astrophysics Climate Change Satellite Based Remote Sensing of the Earth/atmosphere System Earth Science Women in STEM Careers
Jerome "Jay" Apt
Professor Emeritus · Carnegie Mellon University
Jay Apt is an emeritus professor at the Tepper School of Business and in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy.
Public Policy Physics Energy Risk Analysis Engineering
Tricia Jenkins
Professor · Texas Christian University
Tricia Jenkins is an expert in the US government's relationship to Hollywood, critical media theories, and media genres.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Television and Film Genres Hollywood and the CIA International Film Festivals Critical Media Analysis
David Weintraub
Professor of Astronomy; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Director of Program in Communication of Science & Technology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in astrophysics who also writes about extraterrestrial life, human space travel and space colonization.
Space colonization Extraterrestrial life Mars colonization Mars Space travel
William Whittaker
Founders University Research Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
A field robotics pioneer, William "Red" Whittaker's research interests centers on mobile robots in unpredictable environments.
Multisensor Data Fusion Robotics in Hazerdous Application Industrial Robotics Field & Service Robotics Outdoor Mobile Robots
Anthony Rollett
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Anthony Rollett’s research focuses on microstructural evolution and microstructure-property relationships in 3D.
3D Printing Materials Science Microstructural Evolution Manufacturing & Materials Microstructure Computational Materials Science
Glenn Lightsey
Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Glenn Lightsey is an expert in the technology of small satellites including guidance, navigation, and control systems, and satellite swarms.
Small Satellites Global Positioning Space Systems Engineering Unmanned Spacecraft
David J. Hardy
Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Cognitive Neuropsychology Information Processing Hiv/Aids Aging
Neil Maher
Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Neil Maher studies environmental and political history in the 20th century, urban history and the history of environmental justice.
Environmental History History of Environmental Justice 20th Century US Environmental and Political History US History Urban History
James Fienup
Robert E. Hopkins Professor of Optics, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Professor in the Center for Visual Science · University of Rochester
Fienup is a leading expert in the use of phase retrieval algorithms to carefully align mirrors on NASA satellites once they are in orbit.
Optics Webb Telescope Imaging with Sparse and Segmented-Aperture Systems Image Reconstruction Phase Retrieval
Dr. PANKAJ DHUSSA (- Ph.D. & Sc.D. -)
Research Scientist & iNaturalist
Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation
Eric Vandernoot, M.S.
Astronomy & Physics Lab Coordinator · Florida Atlantic University
Eric Vandernoot operates FAU's Astronomical Observatory and teaches courses on Planetary Mechanics and Astronomy.
Telescopes Astronomy Planetary Mechanics Light Pollution Physics
Adam Frank
Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester
Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans
Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics
Gary M. Atkinson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Atkinson specializes in microelectromechanical systems
Microelectromechanical Systems Biochip Smart materials Micro and Nanofabrication Energy Conversion Devices
Zachary Manchester
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Zachary Manchester is a researcher and aerospace engineer with broad interests in dynamics, control, estimation and optimization.
Legged Robots Robotics Commercial Aerospace Simulation Software Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Aerospace Engineering
Rachael Seidler
Professor · University of Florida
Rachael Seidler researches the neural control of movement in health and disease, with a specific focus on motor learning.
Space Parkinson's Cognitive Ageing Neuroscience and the Brain Neuroplasticity
Richard J. Addante, Ph.D.
Associate Professor | School of Psychology · Florida Tech
Dr. Addante researches the cognitive neuroscience of memory, brain states and metacognition, and analog missions for space exploration.
Space Psychology Metacognition Psychology Cognitive Neuroscience Human Memory
Kevin Jones
President · Engaged Learning
To the point, common sense speaker who challenges the status quo. Dynamic & thought provoking, I simplify the complex & inspire action.
Innovating Management Collaborative Technologies (Internal Social Media) Failure