Jason Sellers

Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington

Jason R. Sellers is a cultural and environmental historian of 17th-and 18th-century North America interested in landscapes and bodies.

Environmental History Native American History Colonial North America

Paul C. Rosier, PhD

Professor of History; Director, Albert Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Paul C. Rosier, PhD, is an expert in American history, global environmental history, and American environmental history.

History Sustainability Studies Global Environmental History American History American Environmental History

Krystyn Moon

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Moon is an expert in U.S. immigration history, popular culture, race and ethnic studies, foodways, gender and sexuality, & consumerism.

Consumerism Foodways Popular Culture U.S. Immigration History Race and Ethnic Studies

Joseph S. Tiedemann

Professor Emeritus of History · Loyola Marymount University

Joseph S. Tiedemann is Professor of History at Loyola Marymount University.

Deborah Bolnick, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Bolnick is an expert on genetic ancestry testing and how sociopolitical forces & history shape human genomic diversity.

Native American Genetic Histories Human Biodiversity Genetic Ancestry Testing Anthropology Ancient DNA

Robert Abramovitch

Professor · Michigan State University

The Abramovitch lab is researching Mycobacterium tuberculosis physiology and conducting academic drug discovery

Drug Discovery Plant Pathology Microbiology Research Tuberculosis

Jo Carrillo

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: carrillo@uchastings.edu

California Community Property Comparative Marital Property Community Property Systems in the U.S. and Beyond Economic and financial aspects of intimpate partnerships Archival Research About the Representation of Law in Culture

Shuresh Ghimire, Ph.D.

Associate Cooperative Extension Educator · University of Connecticut

Shuresh Ghimire conducts an extension education and research program in vegetable crop production and practices.

Plastic Mulch Climate Adaptation Horticulture Agricultural Sciences Biodegradable Materials

Reuel Schiller

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: schiller@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4879 / Office 380-200

Administrative Law American Legal History Labor Law Employment Law

Rubén Martínez

Professor of English and Fletcher Jones Chair in Literature & Writing · Loyola Marymount University

Professor of English and Fletcher Jones Chair in Literature & Writing at Loyola Marymount University

Journalism Mixed-Genre Writing Post-Colonial Literatures and Diaspora

Marybeth Shinn

Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair, Department of Human and Organizational Development · Vanderbilt University

Expert in how to prevent and end homelessness

Affordable Housing Social Exclusion Homelessness Poverty

Rebecca L. George

Instructor of Anthropology and Assistant Director of Forensic Anthropology Facilities · Western Carolina University

Rebecca L. George focuses on the utility of dental morphology and metrics to estimate population affinity within forensic anthropology.

Forensic Anthropology Dental Anthropology Osteology Skeletal Processing Bioarchaeology

Craig Albert, PhD

Graduate Director, PhD in Intelligence, Defense, and Cybersecurity Policy and Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies · Augusta University

Dr. Craig Albert focuses on propaganda, information warfare, national security studies, cyberconflict, and political thought.

Political Philosophy Ethnic Conflict Influence Operations Cybersecurity Policy & Strategy International Security Studies

Michael Savarese, Ph.D.

Expert in sea-level rise and environmental change · Florida Gulf Coast University

Michael Savarese studies the history of environmental change in coastal areas and how this can inform the future.

Conservation Paleobiology Geologic History of Southwest Florida Climate Change Coastal Geology Sea Level Rise

Kevin P. McDonald

Associate Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

History Atlantic World Piracy Indian Ocean World Maritime History