Rosalyn Cooperman

Professor of Political Science · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Cooperman's expertise focuses on women in politics.

Women and Politics American Politics Congress

Nina Stark

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Nina Stark's expertise is in geotechnical storm and flood reconnaissance and mitigation.

Mitigation Geotechnical Storm Structure-Seabed Interactions Sediment Dynamics Coastal and Marine Geotechnics

Lorenza Beati

Curator of the U.S. National Tick Collection, Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Lorenza Beati's research focuses on the study of the taxonomy, evolutionary relationships, and population genetics of arthropods.

Hard-Ticks Ecology of the Swiss Alps Systematic Biology Arthropod Diversity Population Genetics of Arthropods

Eric Freedman

Professor of Law · Hofstra University

Professor Freedman focuses on constitutional law and history, as well as the death penalty and habeas corpus

Constitutional Law First Amendment Law Death Penalty

Mary-Kate Lizotte, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Lizotte is an expert in public opinion and is an expert in gender in politics and voting.

Gender Differences in Effect of Attractiveness on Political Candidacy‎ Race and Politics Gender Differences in Political Interests Gender Differences in Public Opinion

Timothy McMahon

Principal · Timothy McMahon & Company

RE-Entrepreneuring! -- The 7 Strategies for Re-Energizing Your Business in the New Economy

World Class Selling Managing for Performance New Technologies Social Media Sales Management

Lawrence Levy

Associate Vice President and Executive Dean of the National Center for Surburban · Hofstra University

Dean Levy works close with Hofstra’s academic community to shape an innovative agenda for suburban study

Suburban Spaces and Development Suburbs Education Taxation Politics of the Suburbs

Monica Escaleras, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Director of the Business and Economics Polling Initiative · Florida Atlantic University

Monica Escaleras is an expert in natural disasters and political economy.

Decentralization Business Administration Business and Economics Polling Natural Disasters Political Economy

Michael Miller

President and CEO, Professional Speaker, Consultant, Trainer, and Author · Primo Solutions, LLC

Motivational Speaker, Business Trainer and Coach, Author

Sales Presentations Leadership Development Motivational Speaking Business Skills Inspirational Speaking

Mark Lukasiewicz

Dean, The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication · Hofstra University

Dean Lukasiewicz is a veteran producer, journalist, and media executive. Before joining Hofstra, he was SVP of specials at NBC News.

news platforms news industry Broadcast News Digital Media Media Ethics

Jonathan Trump, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Physics · University of Connecticut

Jonathan Trump is an observational astronomer who studies active galaxies

Physics and Astronomy Black Holes Supermassive Black Holes Active Galaxies

Ronald Schurin, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus · University of Connecticut

Expert in the politics of presidential campaigns

American Politics and Elections Connecticut Politics Electoral Politics American Politics Education Policy

Michael W. Johnson, MA, CAP

Senior Managing Director of Behavioral Health · CARF International

A creative, solutions-oriented leader who is passionate about improving quality in behavioral healthcare through CARF accreditation.

ASAM Level of Care Certification Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT) Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Mental Health (Severe Mental Illness) Practice and Policy Suicide Prevention

Edward Lopez

Professor · Western Carolina University

Edward Lopez is Professor of Economics and founding director of Western Carolina University's Center for the Study of Free Enterprise.

Economics of Ideas Public Choice Ethics of Capitalism Public Finance Principles of Economics

Preston Green, J.D., Ed.D.

John and Maria Neag Professor of Urban Education · University of Connecticut

Professor focused on charter school regulation and industry oversight.

School Choice Educational Equity Industry Oversight Charter School Regulation Educational Leadership

Linda S. Sprague Martinez, Ph.D.

Director, UConn Health Disparities Institute · University of Connecticut

Linda Sprague Martinez, Ph.D. has expertise in health equity and the social determinants of health.

Participatory Research Health Disparities Health Equity Community Health Social Determinants of Health

Lance Hunter, PhD

Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Lance Hunter studies the connection between terrorism and political stability in democracies.

Politics Terrorism International Relations Voting Civil Liberties

Michael Rawlins

Extension Associate Professor and Associate Director, Climate System Research Center · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Michael Rawlins seeks to connect and understand water, energy and carbon cycling across the earth's land, atmosphere and ocean domains.

Climatology Hydrology Arctic Science Climate Hydrology of Arctic Environments

Kadence Otto

Professor · Western Carolina University

Kadie Otto's research centers on ethical, social and legal issues in sport with specific attention to NCAA corruption and reform.

NCAA Corruption and Reform Risk Management Sport Ethics Sport Law Global Sport and Culture

Andrea Kirkwood

Associate Professor · University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Aquatic Ecology | Algae | Water Research | Water Quality | Water Pollution | Invasive Species | Environmental Microbiology

Aquatic Ecology Aquatic Invasive Species Algae algal blooms blue-green algae