Sara Harris

Professor of Teaching, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences · University of British Columbia

Sara Harris's current research explores how people learn climate science.

Science Education Climate Change Energy Systems and Public Policy University Teaching Public Speaking

Arthur Trembanis

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Trembanis research focuses on understanding beaches for resilience and mapping the seafloor using robots to develop the Blue Economy.

Seafloor Mapping Coastal Erosion and Morphodynamics Hurricanes and Nor'easters Underwater Robots Shipwrecks

Carlos Moffat

Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Moffat specializes in the dynamics of the coastal ocean in Antarctica, and how this region responds and contributes to climate change.

ocean circulation Polar Oceanography Ice-Ocean Interactions

Kelli Hunsucker, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Hunsucker investigates biofouling prevention methods for marine growth and eco-engineering techniques for ecosystem enhancement.

Marine Education Oceanography UVC Biofilms Biofouling

Pamela Grothe

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Grothe's research focuses on climate change, specializing in past climates.

Oceanography Global Warming Climate Change Science Atmospheric Science Geology

Emma "Mickey" MacKie

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Mickey MacKie uses geophysical observations and machine learning techniques to study the topography, geology and hydrology of glaciers.

Cryosphere Research Glaciology Topography, geology and hydrology of Glaciers Machine Learning Glaciers

Kevin Rose

Frederic R. Kolleck ’52 Career Development Chair in Freshwater Ecology · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Computational modeling of links between freshwater ecology and carbon cycling

Climate Change Aquatic Ecology Carbon Cycling Freshwater Ecosystems Biogeochemistry

Puspa Adhikari, Ph.D.

Expert in marine and environmental chemistry · Florida Gulf Coast University

Puspa Adhikari uses the ocean floor and water column to investigate the impact of Florida's red tide, organic pollutants and nutrients.

Gulf of Mexico Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Nutrients Organic Pollutants Marine and Environmental Chemistry

Hannes Baumann, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Hannes Baumann is an expert in coastal fish ecology and effects of marine climate change

Evolution Oceanography Marine Science Fish Populations Marine Climate Change

Richard Aronson, Ph.D.

Department Head | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Aronson's research combines paleontology and ecology to reconstruct the response of marine communities to environmental changes.

Marine Biology Coral-Reef Ecology Ecology Paleobiology Antarctica

Candice Odgers

Professor Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Candice Odgers is a developmental psychologist who studies adolescents’ mental health and development.

Early Adversity Quantitative Psychology Social Inequality Technology and Young People Digital Inequality

Dana E. Veron

Professor, Geography and Spacial Sciences; Co-Director, Gerard J. Mangone Climate Change Science and Policy Hub · University of Delaware

Prof. Veron's research interests include climate change impacts, polar and coastal climate and climate change education.

climate education sea breeze Polar climate Coastal Meteorology Offshore wind power

Robert M. DeConto

Provost Professor of and Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences and Director of the School of Earth and Sustainability · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Rob DeConto is one of the world's leading experts on modeling polar ice sheets, sea level rise and ocean response to climate change.

Ice Sheets and Sea Level Antarctica Glaciology Climatology Earth System Modeling

Angela Danyluk

Biologist/Sustainability specialist · local government

Ecologist who connects information and people to make change, solve problems and find solutions within the local government sector.

Reducing greenhouse gases Fish Ecology Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation

Cheryl Murphy

Director of the Center for PFAS Research · Michigan State University

Cheryl Murphy is well-versed in reproductive physiology, behavior, ecology, toxicology, and modeling.

PFAS Environmental Policy Toxic Substances Environmental Contamination Reproductive Physiology

Michael L. Parsons, Ph.D.

Expert in coastal water health · Florida Gulf Coast University

Michael Parsons studies the causes of harmful algal blooms and how their toxins can impact marine and human lives.

Coral Reef Ecology Ciguatera Outbreaks Coastal Water Health Plankton Ecosystems Harmful Algal Blooms

Jim Sullivan, Ph.D.

Executive Director · Florida Atlantic University

Jim Sullivan is an expert in biological and physical mechanisms controlling the spatial-temporal dynamics of plankton populations.

Sampling Instrumentation Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics Spatial-temporal Dynamics of Plankton Bioluminescence in the Ocean

Steven Lazarus, Ph.D.

Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Lazarus' research interests include data assimilation, electrical phenomena such as gigantic jets, and wind/wave interactions.

Climate Change Hurricanes Wind and Waves Data Assimilation Gigantic Jets

Andrea Grottoli

Professor | School of Earth Sciences · The Ohio State University

Climate change expert, specializing in coral responses to climate change and reconstructing oceanographic conditions

Coral Reefs Paleoceanography Biogeochemistry

Joshua Voss, Ph.D.

Associate Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Joshua Voss's areas of interest include coral reef ecology, coral health and disease, molecular ecology, marine conservation and management.

Coral Health and Disease Coral Reef Ecosystems Marine Conservation Molecular Ecology Coral Reef Ecology