Hal Herzog
Professor Emeritus · Western Carolina University
Hal Herzog has been investigating the complex psychology of our interactions with other species for more than two decades.
Animal Ethics Animal Welfare Human Sexuality Biological Psychology Animal Sciences
Jennifer Applebaum
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Jennifer Applebaum is an expert on pet ownership and the resulting health and well-being/welfare implications of the human-pet dyad.
Companion Animals One Health Pet Ownership Pets Pet Owners
Sarah DeYoung
Associate Professor, Sociology & Criminal Justice · University of Delaware
Prof. DeYoung's expertise is in maternal and child health in crisis and disaster settings, with a focus on infant feeding in emergencies.
Evacuation Decision-making Companion Animals in Disasters Maternal & Infant Health in Disasters Refugee & Immigrant Well-being Psychological Sense of Community
Anna Muraco
Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Intersection of Gay and Straight Life in Aging Social Relationships Gender Aging and the Life Course Caregiving and Friendship Across the Life Course
Jennifer Trivedi
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Core Faculty Member, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware
Prof. Trivedi's research explores disaster vulnerability, response, recovery, resilience and decision-making.
Disaster Resilience Disaster Response Disaster Vulnerability Disaster Recovery Hurricanes
Kerri Froc
Postdoctoral Fellow · Carleton University
Kerri Froc's research interests include feminist legal theory and women's constitutional rights claims
Constitutional Law Government Relations Legal Research Legal Writing Administrative Law
Candi Cann, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Baylor Interdisciplinary Core and Religion · Baylor University
Leading expert on death, dying & grief, diversity in death & the intersection of death & technology around the world
Death and Dying Digital Death Digital Afterlife Death and Diversity Modern Mourning Practices
Darlene Kertes
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Darlene Kertes’ research examines the role of life experiences and epigenetic processes on activity of stress-sensitive systems.
Antecedents Psychchology
Louise Kerr
The Pet Care Magician · Elite Pet Care & Education
The Pet Care Magician@Elite Pet Care & Education
Pet Care Dog Training Pets Dogs Animal Care
David Favre
Professor of law and The Nancy Heathcote Professor of Property and Animal Law · Michigan State University
An expert in animal within property, family and criminal law, as well as wildlife and international animal issues.
International Animal Issues Animal Ethics Animal Rights Animal Welfare Animal Cruelty
Natalie Ngai
Assistant Professor of Media Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Assistant Professor of Media Studies
Stephen Rich
Professor of Microbiology and Director of the New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (NEWVEC) · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Stephen Rich studies zoonotic diseases, with a focus on tick-borne diseases and human malaria. He is the director TickReport.
Powassan Vector-Borne Diseases Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases Parasitic diseases Malaria Research
Mary Shafer
Member, Area 6 · The Word Forge
Marketing Consultant/Book Publisher/ Author
Social Media Marketing Marketing Strategy Delaware River Flood of 1955 Adopting and Living With Disabled Pets Marketing for Publishers & Authors
Gretchen Holbrook Gerzina
Paul Murray Kendall Chair in Biography and Professor of English · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Gretchen Gerzina is a specialist on the novel and biography, focusing on Black British studies, Victorian studies and mixed race studies..
Victorian Studies Black British Studies African American Women’s Writing Mixed Race Studies
Rachel Davidson
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware
Prof. Davidson conducts research on natural disaster risk modeling and civil infrastructure systems.
Disaster Research Natural Disaster Risk Modeling Civil Infrastructure Systems Lifelines
James Kendra
Director, Disaster Research Center; Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware
Prof. Kendra researches emergency planning and crisis management.
Organizational Improvisation and Resilience Emergency Management Technology Disaster Planning Crisis Management Emergency Planning
Alessandro Acquisti
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Alessandro Acquisti’s research investigates the economics and behavioral economics of privacy, and privacy in online social networks.
AI Ethics Transition Economics Human-Agent Interaction Economics of Privacy Information Security
Robert Fuller, M.D., FACEP
UConn Health Chairman of Emergency Medicine · University of Connecticut
Fuller has responded to nations battered by natural and manmade disasters -New York after 9/11, Haiti ; Philippines after a typhoon.
Coronavirus Efficiency of Emergency Services International Disaster Medical Response Emergency Medical Care Natural Disasters
Robert Taylor, Ph.D.
Dean | College of Psychology and Liberal Arts · Florida Tech
Dr. Taylor's research focuses on 19th- and 20th-century America, the American South, U.S. military history, and 20th-century Europe.
History of the Space Age Florida's Governors D-Day American Military Leadership Civil War