Ronald J. Gerrits, Ph.D.
Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Ron Gerrits focuses his professional efforts on science education.
Science Education Guided Inquiry Physiology
Marcus Ranney
Strategy and Business Development Manager · Khubchandani Group and Krimson Health
Youthful and energetic, bridging together the worlds of clinical medicine with the business needs of healthcare today
Healthcare Needs in the Developing World Sports Medicine and Fitness Physiology At the Extremes
Greg Tolley, Ph.D.
Expert in marine ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University
Greg Tolley studies estuaries, including the ecology of oyster reefs and the impact of freshwater inflow on estuarine ecosystems.
Science Education Water Quality Physiology of Estuarine Organisms Freshwater Inflow Estuaries and Estuarine Ecosystems
Shiladitya Banerjee
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Shiladitya Banerjee develops theoretical models to understand how the internal structures of a living cell impacts its characteristics.
Single-cell Biophysics Soft Living Matter Physics Physics of Living Systems Molecular and Cell Biology
Jianjun Sun, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology · University of Connecticut
Jianjun Sun, Ph.D. is an expert in reproduction biology and contraceptives.
Ovarian Cancer Contraception Reproductive Biology Reproductive Physiology
Peter Weyand
Professor & Chair of Kinesiology; Director of the Locomotor Performance Lab · Texas Christian University
Peter Weyand is an internationally renowned biomechanist and physiologist.
Human Speed Human Performance Physical Performance Biomechanics Locomotion
Laura Coristine
Liber Ero Fellow, postdoctoral researcher · University of Calgary
Researching solutions for climate change
macroecology climate change mitigation for biodiversity science communication and outreach GIS and spatial analysis
Jennifer Doherty
Assistant Professor of Biology and Physiology/Ecology Education · Michigan State University
Jennifer Doherty is a physiology education researcher who investigates how students develop principle-based mechanistic reasoning.
Biology Education
Matt Weeg
Associate Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in neuroethology, brain behavior, and neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience Human Pathophysiology Fish Audiology Communication & Behaviour Audition
Andrew Danylchuk
Professor of Fish Conservation, Department of Environmental Conservation · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Andrew Danylchuk’s research seeks to understand the factors that influence the life history and ecology of fish and other aquatic organisms.
Fish Conservation Impacts of Climate Change on Fish and Aquatic Ecosystems Behavior and Survival of Coastal Fisheries Best Practices for Managing Recreational Fishing
Jennifer Sullivan, PhD
Interim Provost and Dean of The Graduate School · Augusta University
Jennifer Sullivan, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert of sex differences in cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology.
Hypertension Cardiovascular Physiology Pathophysiology Higher Education Administration
Michael Scullin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience · Baylor University
Professor Scullin’s research investigates how sleep physiology impacts memory, education, health, and aging.
Neuroscience Sleep Physiology Cognitive Neuroscience Sleep Neuroscience and Cognition Psychology
Chris Martens
Associate Professor, Kinesiology & Applied Physiology · University of Delaware
Prof. Martens's laboratory is interested in understanding mechanisms by which impaired vascular function contributes to cognitive declines.
Alzheimer's Disease Aging Clinical Trials Cerebral Blood Flow Vascular Aging
Philippa Drennan
Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Plant Ecophysiology Ecology Plant Stress Biology Structure/Function Relationships in Plants Biology
Rachael Seidler
Professor · University of Florida
Rachael Seidler researches the neural control of movement in health and disease, with a specific focus on motor learning.
Space Parkinson's Cognitive Ageing Neuroscience and the Brain Neuroplasticity
Connie Mulligan
Professor · University of Florida
Connie Mulligan is interested in understanding patterns of human genetic variation with implications for human health and evolution.
Syrian Refugees Impact of Stress Complex Phenotypes Influence of Genetics on Response to Trauma and Stress Epigenetic Analysis
Jonathan Crane
Professor · University of Florida
Jonathan Crane is an expert in sustainable tropical and subtropical fruit production.
Sapodilla Passionfruit Mamey Sapote Lychee Guava
Michael J. McClure, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering | BE, Vanderbilt University | Ph.D, Virginia Commonwealth University · VCU College of Engineering
Understanding the role of extracellular matrix and mechanical forces to regulate skeletal muscle structure, function, and innervation.
Muscle aging Cell-matrix interactions Integrin-mediated signaling Myoblast fusion Regenerative rehabilitation in skeletal muscle trauma
Megh Marathe
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Megh Marathe's research seeks to foster inclusion in expert practices and technologies by centering the perspectives of marginalized people.
Medical Anthropology Disability Studies Science and Technology Studies
Darlene Kertes
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Darlene Kertes’ research examines the role of life experiences and epigenetic processes on activity of stress-sensitive systems.
Antecedents Psychchology