Carlos Moffat

Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Moffat specializes in the dynamics of the coastal ocean in Antarctica, and how this region responds and contributes to climate change.

ocean circulation Polar Oceanography Ice-Ocean Interactions

Michael L. Parsons, Ph.D.

Expert in coastal water health · Florida Gulf Coast University

Michael Parsons studies the causes of harmful algal blooms and how their toxins can impact marine and human lives.

Coral Reef Ecology Ciguatera Outbreaks Coastal Water Health Plankton Ecosystems Harmful Algal Blooms

Serge Thomas, Ph.D.

Expert in the ecology of aquatic environments · Florida Gulf Coast University

Serge Thomas specializes in the consequences of natural and human stresses in aquatic ecosystems.

Ecological Engineering Hydrosystems Technologies to Clean Water Microplastics Algal Blooms

Barry H. Rosen, Ph.D.

Expert in cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms and blue-green algae · Florida Gulf Coast University

Barry Rosen studies the nature of freshwater harmful algal blooms and their dynamics.

blue-green algae Cyanobacterial genetics Diatoms Limnology Fish kills

Jim Sullivan, Ph.D.

Executive Director · Florida Atlantic University

Jim Sullivan is an expert in biological and physical mechanisms controlling the spatial-temporal dynamics of plankton populations.

Sampling Instrumentation Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics Spatial-temporal Dynamics of Plankton Bioluminescence in the Ocean

Greg Tolley, Ph.D.

Expert in marine ecology · Florida Gulf Coast University

Greg Tolley studies estuaries, including the ecology of oyster reefs and the impact of freshwater inflow on estuarine ecosystems.

Science Education Water Quality Physiology of Estuarine Organisms Freshwater Inflow Estuaries and Estuarine Ecosystems

Kevin Rose

Frederic R. Kolleck ’52 Career Development Chair in Freshwater Ecology · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Computational modeling of links between freshwater ecology and carbon cycling

Climate Change Aquatic Ecology Carbon Cycling Freshwater Ecosystems Biogeochemistry

Risa Cohen

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Risa Cohen is an expert in biology, aquatic ecology and water quality.

Aquatic Ecology Environmental Biology Toxicology

Christine Hladik

Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Hladik specializes in the application of geospatial data to address a range of ecological and management goals

Coastal Wetlands Geography Remote Sensing Geospatial Data Mapping Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation

Rick Relyea

Director, Darrin Fresh Water Institute; Director, Jefferson Project; & David M. Darrin ’40 Senior Endowed Chair · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Researches community ecology, ecotoxicology, phenotypic plasticity, forest inputs to wetlands, disease ecology, and invasive species

Aquatic Ecosystems‎ Animal Disease Ecology Animal Behavior Evolution Ecology

Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.

Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University

Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.

Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology

Dr. PANKAJ DHUSSA (- Ph.D. & Sc.D. -)


Research Scientist & iNaturalist

Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation

William Louda, Ph.D.

Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University

WIlliam Louda studies algal blooms, water quality, and how that affects microalgal communities (phytoplankton, periphyton, epiphytes etc.).

Algal Blooms Organic Geochemistry Phosphorus Pollution Photosynthetic and Accessory Pigments Microalgal Communities

Spencer Fire, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Fire's research program combines an interest in the very smallest and the very largest organisms in the sea.

Wildlife Toxicology Marine Mammals Harmful Algal Blooms Marine Biotoxins Red Tide