Mark Brand, Ph.D.
Professor of Horticulture and Plant Breeding, Nursery Extension Specialist · University of Connecticut
Professor Brand is a horticulturist who focuses on ornamental plant breeding, sustainable cultivars, and industrial hemp.
Woody Landscape Plants Nursery Crops Ornamental Plant Breeding Aroniaberry Fruit Production Plant Breeding
Scott Hansen
Professor of Engineering Technology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in 3D drafting, engineering technology, CAD software, and vocational education
Mastercam Unigraphix Nx CNC Programming Engineering and Technology Design SolidWorks
Mark D. Morelli
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Lonergan Hegel Plato Philosophy's Cultural Role
Eric Perl
Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Neoplatonism Plato Ancient Philosophy
Shaun Whatling
CEO · Redmandarin
Shaun is an intelligent, stimulating, and frequently challenging speaker on the subject of how businesses engage with customers.'
Sponsorship Social Marketing Olympics Platform Marketing
Joao S. Soares, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Engineered Tissue Multiscale Mechanics & Modeling Laboratory (ETM3)
Functional tissue engineering Thrombogenicity of cardiovascular medical devices Drug delivery devices Polymer degradation and erosion Continuum mechanics and its application to non-linear materials
Mark Lukasiewicz
Dean, The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication · Hofstra University
Dean Lukasiewicz is a veteran producer, journalist, and media executive. Before joining Hofstra, he was SVP of specials at NBC News.
news platforms news industry Broadcast News Digital Media Media Ethics
Peter Doesburg
Social Media Strategist · SeventeenThirty
Im an energetic, intelligent and animated speaker with a fast pace and a good sense of Dutch humor in my talks
Embedding Social Media Into Your Organization Strategic Use of Social Media Social Media Management Platform Workshop
Brian Alvey
Serial entrepreneur and startup advisor
Brian Alvey is a leader in online publishing. His software makes creative people more powerful.
Cloud Computing Startups Entrepreneurship Digital Media Software Platforms
Ananya Sen
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Ananya Sen's research interests centre around platforms with a special focus on the media, innovation and more broadly the digital economy.
Digital Economics Media Digitization Platforms Education
Nina Amir
Chief Inpiration Officer · Pure Spirit Creations
International speaker, award-winning blogger, bestselling author, Certified High Performance Coach, Author Coach, Blog/Blog-to-Book Coach.
Freelance Writing Online Journalism and Blogging Non-Fiction Writing Journalism and Writing for Publication How to Blog A Book
Michael McCallister
Writer/Author · ProTek Writing Services
Technical Communicator. Author Platform Builder. Book Author: WordPress, Linux, open source software
Open Source Technical Writing Author Platform Wordpress Linux
T. (Ravi) Ravichandran
Irene and Robert Bozzone '55 Distinguished Chair, Professor of Information Systems, Associate Dean for Research · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Leading expert in digitization and transformation, digital platforms, supply chain management, and innovation in business.
Strategic Alliances Outsourcing Software Development Innovation Supply Chain Management
Shu He
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Shu He researches information systems and the impact of emerging technologies on firm strategy, consumer behavior and societal implications.
Digital Platforms E-Commerce Strategy Information Security Social Media Analytics
Woochoel Shin
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Woochoel Shin is an expert in online advertising, media platforms, online reviews, as well as distribution channels and store brands.
Distribution Channels Media Platforms Competitive Product Policy Internet Advertising Advertising Strategy
Jessica Warren
Professor, Earth Science · University of Delaware
Dr. Warren's research focuses on plate tectonics and mantle dynamics.
Plate Tectonics Rheology Mantle Geochemistry Peridotites
Neil Ward-Dutton
Research Director · MWD Advisors
Research Director and Co-founder, MWD Advisors
Business Management It Strategy Business Transformation Digital Transformation Customer Experience
Tianxin Zou
Assistant Professor of Marketing · University of Florida
Tianxin Zou's research focuses on platform designs, uprising business models and technologies and platform regulations.
New technologies in marketing Platform design Platform regulation
Cory Skinner
CEO & Founder · FactR (
Cory Skinner is specialized in multi-industry software design and delivery & Blockchain, AI and IoT web platforms.
Blockchain Supply Chain & Logistics Software Delivery & AI IoT Web Platforms
Craig Santy
Founder · Great Eastern International Inc.
Film, Television, Digital, Events, Branded Entertainment, Asian Media Specialist, Creative Services & IP Development
Television Television Series Film Film & Video Production Film Director