Kaylie Tiessen

Economist and Researcher · Unifor

Researching labour markets, social progress and the value of public services.

Labour Economics Labour Markets Precarious Work Policy Analysis Poverty

Iglika Ivanova

Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - BC Office

Iglika Ivanova is Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher at the BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Poverty Labour Economics Income Distribution Income Inequality Living Wage Policies

Christine Saulnier

Nova Scotia Director · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Christine Saulnier serves as the Nova Scotia director for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Research Women and Politics Canadian Public Policy Social Policy Antipoverty

Victor V. Claar, Ph.D.

Expert in economics and ethics · Florida Gulf Coast University

Victor Claar is a serious economist who thinks about the individual human beings behind market transactions.

Financial Literacy Tariffs Free Enterprise Business Cycles Inflation

Thomas Pogge

Director, Global Justice Program ; Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs · Yale University

Examining solutions to issues of global inequality and justice in health care are long-standing concerns for this Yale professor & author

Justice in Health Care Social and Political Philosophy Ethics and Moral Philosophy Globalization and Inequality

Elaine Power

Associate Professor · School of Kinesiology & Health Studies, Queen's University

Teaches social determinants of health. Researches food insecurity. Advocates for basic income. Dreams of the day when food banks can close.

food insecurity food banks feeding the family family food practices Social Determinants of Health

M.V. Lee Badgett

Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

M. V. Lee Badgett is one of the world’s leading experts on the economics of same-sex marriage.

Economics of Sexual Orientation and Same-Sex Marriage Gay Marriage LGBT Inclusion Labor Economics Same-sex Couples

Jayati Ghosh

Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jayati Ghosh is one of India's best-known economists and a frequent commentator and writer about a wide range of issues.

Economics and the Developing World Economy of India India Asian Political Economy Gender and Care Work

Mical Raz

Charles E. and Dale L. Phelps Professor in Public Policy and Health · University of Rochester

Author of "What's Wrong with the Poor? Psychiatry, Race and the War on Poverty."

Foster Care and Adoptions Child Welfare Psychiatry Education Policy Race Culture and Ethnicity

Fred Carstensen, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Fred Carstensen is an expert in the areas of public policy, economic history and economics.

Finance Public Policy Economic History Economics

Martha Jackman

Professor, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section · University of Ottawa

Martha Jackman specializes in constitutional law, with a particular focus on issues relating to women and other marginalized groups

Constitutional Law Charter of Rights Women Marginalized Groups Access to Health Care

Destenie Nock

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Destenie Nock uses mathematical modeling tools to address societal problems related to sustainability planning, energy policy and equity.

Electricity and Food Systems Decision Analysis Energy Transitions Electrical Infrastructure Engineering for Social Good

Laura Doering

Assistant Professor of Strategic Management · Rotman School of Management

Laura Doering's research examines how micro-level decisions and circumstances affect economic outcomes in developing countries

Qualitative Analytics Qualitative Research Data Analysis Statistic Econometrics

Robert Rycroft

Professor of Economics · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Rycroft focuses on the economics of inequality, poverty and discrimination.

Political Science Economic Analysis Editing Finance and Economics Political Economy

Laura Briggs

Professor of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Briggs is an expert on U.S. and international reproductive politics, child welfare policy and transnational and transracial adoption.

Transnational Adoption Reproduction Politics Adoption Child Separation

Madhu Viswanathan, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Director, D.K. Kim Foundation Business for Good Program

Sustainability Subsistence Marketplaces Marketing Research Methods and Measurement

April Lindgren

Associate Professor, School of Journalism · Ryerson University

Local News Research Project, Principal Researcher

Journalism Local news News Media Ethnic media

Jeremy Everett, D.Min.

Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University

National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration

Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy

Marla Sokolowski

University Professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · University of Toronto

Sokolowski's work is esteemed worldwide as a clear, integrative paragon of the manner in which genes can interact with the environment.

Genetics Molecular Biology Scientific Writing Higher Education Public Speaking

Leslie Martin

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Martin specializes in urban sociology, race/ethnic relations, welfare and poverty issues.

Urban Sociology Race / Ethnic Relations Welfare and Poverty Sociology of Education Public Housing