Meena Bose
Professor of Political Science, Executive Dean for Public Policy & Public Service Programs · Hofstra University
Dr. Meena Bose is Executive Dean of Hofstra University’s Peter S. Kalikow School of Government, Public Policy and International Affairs
Presidential Elections Presidential Campaigns Presidential Politics Presidential History
Stephen Farnsworth
Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Farnsworth has spent decades researching how media and politics intersect. Check out his website at
American Elections American Government The American Presidency Internet Politics Mass Media and Politics
Michael A. Genovese
Professor of Political Science and International Relations, President of Global Policy Institute at LMU, Loyola Chair of Leadership Studies, Director of Institute for Leadership Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
American Politics The American Presidency Law and Presidential Power British Politics
Mark C. Alexander, JD
Arthur J. Kania Dean and Professor of Law | Charles Widger School of Law · Villanova University
Mark Alexander, JD, is an expert on constitutional law, election law and the First Amendment.
Constitutional Law Campaign Reform First Amendment Law Election Law Legal Education
John Geer
Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of Political Science · Vanderbilt University
National expert in political campaigns, political advertising and public opinion. Co-directs the Vanderbilt Poll.
Opinion Poll Campaign Advertising Polls Tennessee Politics Polling
David Redlawsk
Professor and Chair, Political Science Political Science and International Relations · University of Delaware
Prof. Redlawsk is a political psychologist with expertise in campaigns, voter behavior, decision making, and emotion.
Political Campaigns Decision Making Survey Research Politics Voter Beavior and Attitudes
David Lewis
William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Political Science · Vanderbilt University
Expert in federal bureaucracy, including agency performance, agency oversight and the political appointment process.
Congressional oversight Presidential appointments Public Administration American Politics Government Agencies
Mark Caleb Smith, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science · Cedarville University
Dr. Smith is an expert in American politics, campaigns & elections, and constitutional law.
Constitutional Law Presidential Politics Presidential Campaigns
Joshua Kennedy
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Joshua Kennedy is an expert in American politics, with a more particular focus on the presidency and the federal bureaucracy.
Political Institutions Congress Presidential Power Federal Bureaucracy American Politics
Ray La Raja
Professor of Political Science / Associate Director of UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ray La Raja's research interests include political parties, interest groups, elections, campaign finance and political participation.
Public Policy and Organizations Elections and Polling Political Science Campaign Finance American Politics
Brian Kalt
Professor of Law & Harold Norris Faculty Scholar · Michigan State University
Expert in constitutional law of the presidency, presidential pardons, impeachment, succession and the 25th Amendment.
Structural Constitutional Law Administrative Law Juries The Bill of Rights Tort Reform
Tatishe M. Nteta
Provost Professor of Political Science / Director of UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Tatishe Nteta's research lies at the intersection of the politics of race and ethnicity, public opinion, and political behavior.
Political Polls American Politics Politics and Political Analysis Race Culture and Ethnicity Polling
Adam Schiffer
Professor · Texas Christian University
Professor Schiffer writes and speaks on media bias, presidential nomination contests, political news, elections, and public opinion.
Media Bias Presidential Nomination Contests Political News National Elections Public Opinion and American Politics
Jim Riddlesperger
Professor · Texas Christian University
Professor Riddlesperger focuses on American politics, with emphasis in the presidency, Congress, and Texas politics
Political Parties American Political Institutions Congress and the Presidency Congress Issues in American Politics
Josh Clinton
Abby and Jon Winkelried Professor of Political Science · Vanderbilt University
Polling expert who uses statistical methods to explain political processes. Co-directs the Vanderbilt Poll.
Voters Tennessee politics Polling American Politics Political polls
Richard Himelfarb
Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University
Professor Himelfarb's scholarly interests and expertise include health care policy (Affordable Care Act), Congress and the presidency.
Political Science American Politics Affordable Care Act Health Care Policy Congress
Curt Smith
Senior Lecturer · University of Rochester
Curt Smith was a speechwriter for George H.W. Bush and is a recognized authority on baseball broadcasting
Rhetoric Baseball broadcasting Presidential speechwriting American Politics
Frank Costigliola, D.Phil.
Distinguished Professor, Department of History · University of Connecticut
Distinguished Professor specializing in modern history, United States foreign relations, and the United States in the 20th century.
Modern History American History Twentieth Century History U.S. Foreign Relations History
Mary-Kate Lizotte, PhD
Professor of Political Science · Augusta University
Lizotte is an expert in public opinion and is an expert in gender in politics and voting.
Gender Differences in Effect of Attractiveness on Political Candidacy Race and Politics Gender Differences in Political Interests Gender Differences in Public Opinion
Paul Fritz
Associate Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University
Professor Fritz specializes in international relations, with concentrations on international security and US foreign and defense policy.
Foreign Policy Political Science Terrorism International Security International Relations