William B. (Trey) Cade III, Ph. D.

Director, Institute for Aviation Sciences · Baylor University

William B. (Trey) Cade III, Ph.D., is the director of the Baylor Institute for Aviation Sciences.

Space Weather History Space Weather Space Weather Impacts Space Weather Science Space Weather Forecasting

Stephen Mullens

Assistant Instructional Professor · University of Florida

Stephen Mullens is an expert in forecasting and impacts related to hurricanes and thunderstorms.

Weather Forecasting Hurricanes Weather Meterology Thunderstorms

Jase Bernhardt

Associate Professor of Geology, Environment, and Sustainability · Hofstra University

Dr. Bernhardt has had a lifelong passion for studying weather and climate. His current research focuses hurricane preparedness.

Rip Tide safety Hurricanes Climatology Climate Change Weather

Dana E. Veron

Professor, Geography and Spacial Sciences; Co-Director, Gerard J. Mangone Climate Change Science and Policy Hub · University of Delaware

Prof. Veron's research interests include climate change impacts, polar and coastal climate and climate change education.

climate education sea breeze Polar climate Coastal Meteorology Offshore wind power