David Godwin
Director · University of Florida
David Godwin researches fire ecology, from remote sensing assessments of burn severity to prescribed fire and forest carbon dynamics.
Wildfire Fire Science Fire Ecology Prescribed Fire
Stephen M. Strader, PhD
Associate Professor of Geography and the Environment | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Stephen Strader, PhD, is an expert on the interaction of climate change, natural hazards, and society.
Tornadoes Geographic Information Systems Natural Hazards Hazards and Society Severe Weather
Robin Cox
Research Director and Professor · ResilienceByDesign Research Lab and Royal Roads University
Robin Cox's expertise includes the psychosocial dimensions of disasters, disaster resilience, and traumatic stress and coping.
Resilience Higher Education Community Resilience Disaster Psychosocial Response Stress and Coping
Karen Clay
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Karen Clay’s research examines the growth of the U.S. economy, including energy issues, air pollution, and the impact of climate change.
Energy Economics Public Policy Business and Economics Energy Environmental Economics
Anna Nagurney
Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, Isenberg School of Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Anna Nagurney studies network systems with applications including congested urban transportation networks, disaster relief and supply chains
War in in Ukraine and supply issues Cold Chain Logistics Supply Chain and Logistics Management Sustainable Supply Chains COVID-19 and supply chains
Richard Peltier
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Richard Peltier's research looks at how poor air quality affects human health.
Global Health Air Pollution and Health Environmental Health Face Masks Aerosol filtration
Alexei Khalizov
Associate Professor, Chemistry and Environmental Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Alexei Khalizov's research focuses on the chemical and physical processes that govern the transformations of atmospheric pollutants.
Air Quality Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Pollutants Aerosol Nanoparticles Mercury
James Randerson
Chancellor's Professor Earth System Science · UC Irvine
James Randerson studies the global carbon cycle using remote sensing and in-situ measurements and different types of models.
Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Forests Wildfires Climate Plants
Muneeza Sheikh
Partner · Levitt LLP
Muneeza Sheikh practices in the area of labour and employment law
Canadian Politics Diversity Engagement in the Workplace Human Rights in Canada Labour Law in Canada Employment Law in Canada
Sarah DeYoung
Associate Professor, Sociology & Criminal Justice · University of Delaware
Prof. DeYoung's expertise is in maternal and child health in crisis and disaster settings, with a focus on infant feeding in emergencies.
Evacuation Decision-making Companion Animals in Disasters Maternal & Infant Health in Disasters Refugee & Immigrant Well-being Psychological Sense of Community
Scott Wallace
Associate Professor of Journalism · University of Connecticut
Scott Wallace is a bestselling author, photojournalist and educator who covers the environment and vanishing cultures worldwide.
Central America Amazon Rainforest Brazil Indigenous Cultures Uncontacted Tribes
Xilei Zhao
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Xilei Zhao focuses on developing and applying data and computational science methods to tackle problems in transportation and resilience.
Machine Learning Public Transit Hurricane Evacuation Community Resilience Artificial Intelligence
E. Alison Holman
Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine
E. Alison Holman studies the early post-event predictors of co-morbid trauma-related mental and physical health problems.
Physical health Acute Stress Acute Stress & Cardiovascular Disease Psychological Trauma Media Exposure
Thomas Kostigen
Bestselling author · Thomas Kostigen
Celebrity Collaboration / Climate / Sustainable Food
Collaboration and New Ways of Working Journalism Environment Climate Business
George Busenberg, PhD
Associate Professor of Environmental Management and Policy · Soka University
Professor Busenberg focuses on environmental policy
Environmental Policy Environmental Management
Ryan Sullivan
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Ryan Sullivan's research includes developing aircraft-deployable analytical instrumentation to characterize particles in the atmosphere.
Water Treatment Phase Transitions Environmental Systems Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Air Quality
Lindsay Levine
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Lindsay Levine is an expert in consumer judgment and decision-making.
Social Cognition Marketing and Sales Consumer Behavior
Douglas M. Brugge, Ph.D., M.S.
Professor and Chair, Department of Public Health Sciences · University of Connecticut
Professor Brugge is an expert in occupational and environmental health.
Health Communication Asthma Wildfires Air Quality Environmental Health
Dr Phil Porter
Reader in Geoscience and Geoscience Education · University Alliance
Phil studies the response of glaciers to a warming world. He’s led expeditions to some of the last true wilderness areas on our planet.
Meltwater Global Warming Geoscience Glaciers Ice Sheets
Michael Prietula
Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Human decision making AI-Human Collaboration UX Design AI Ethics Computational Modeling of Individuals and Groups