Kevin Burns
Safety Communications Consultant/Speaker · Safety Speaker - Safety Communications Consulting
I Help Companies Help Their Employees To Buy-in To Safety
Safety Communications Management/Engagement
Karla Thorpe
Director, Leadership and Human Resources Research · The Conference Board of Canada
It's not always about money: Learn what it takes to not only attract and retain employees but to increase employee commitment
Labour Relations Workplace Health and Wellness Compensation and Benefits
Vicki J. Magley, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology · University of Connecticut
Professor Magley researches sexual harassment coping at individual and organizational levels
Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment Prevention Workplace Civility Occupational Health, Gender and Stress Sexual Harassment Coping at Individual and Organizational Levels
Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia
President & CEO · Digital Nova Scotia
Multilingual senior level ICT executive with over 20 years in the private, public and academic sectors, spanning five geographic regions.
ICT/Digtal Startups, SMEs & Multinational Corporations Diversity, Inclusion, Immigration & Global Talent Public Speaking & Presentation STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) Education Stakeholder & Government Relations
Gregory DeFreitas
Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy · Hofstra University
Prof. DeFreitas is an expert on labor studies.
Labor Economics Research Methods Urban Economics Microeconomics African Economic Development
Mark Holder
Associate Professor · University of British Columbia
I am a passionate, energetic person who recognizes that life is short, but wide
Science of Happiness Happiness and Health Children and Happiness
Professor Anne-Marie Bagnall
Professor · Leeds Beckett University
Anne-Marie Bagnall delivers training to internal and external learners on how to use and produce systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Inequality Public Health Health Promotion Meta-Analysis Community Wellbeing
Annette Bergeron, P.Eng., MBA, FEC
Corporate Director · Electrical Safety Authority, Engineers Canada / Ingénieurs Canada
Experience in speaking & media on topics of women in STEM, women on boards, engineering regulation, advocacy, governance, policy, education
Governance, Not-For-Profit Regulation of Engineering, Regulation of Electrical Safety Advocacy for Engineering Engineering Education, post-secondary and professional development
Michelle Kaminski
Associate Professor of Human Resources & Labor Relations · Michigan State University
Michelle Kaminski is an expert in labor unions, right-to-work, women and leadership, collective bargaining and workplace bullying.
Workplace Bullying Right to Work Labor Unions Women and Leadership
Carol Bishop Mills, Ph.D.
Professor and Director, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies · Florida Atlantic University
Carol Bishop Mills' research covers the lifespan from teasing and bullying in childhood through workplace bullying and sexual harassment.
Relational and Interpersonal Communication Health Communication