Kelly Rusk

Consultant · Thornley Fallis Communications

Consultant at Thornley Fallis Communications

Problem Solving Online Journalism Creative Writing Public Speaking Social Media

Kenneth A. Frank

Professor of Measurement and Quantitative Methods · Michigan State University

Kenneth A. Frank studies how roles and relationships among teachers affect classroom practices and school decision-making.

causal inference and education research methods Social networks among teachers and the impact of social dynamics in schools adolescent decision-making in social contexts

Karl Zelik

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Vanderbilt University

Expert on exoskeletons, human movement, biomechanics and prosthetic limbs

Assistive Devices Mechanical Engineering Biomechanics Exoskeletons Human movement

Dave Henderson

Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Henderson has 20 years experience in the information technology and accounting fields.

Internal Auditing Financial Reporting Project Management University Teaching Information Systems

Ara Jo

Clinical Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Ara Jo has expertise in healthcare system management and the development of preventive care models for chronic diseases and risk assessment.

Body composition assessment Healthcare System Preventive care model for chronic diseases (i.e., diabetes and prediabetes) Sarcopenia

Linda Bartoshuk

Professor Emerita · University of Florida

Linda Bartoshuk studies sensory perception of foods, including taste, olfaction and irritation/pain.

Food Science & Human Nutrition Sensory Perception of Food

Judith Scully Callahan

Instructional Associate Professor · University of Florida

Judith Scully Callahan teaches about and helps businesses understand and improve organizational development.

Creativity Leadership Negotiation Organizational Development

Zachary Neal

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Zachary Neal is an expert in cities & neighborhoods, political & transportation networks, and measurement & analysis of social networks.

Public schools Social Networks Transportation Networks Networks Cities

Sylvia Chan-Olmsted

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Sylvia Chan-Olmsted researches cross-platform media consumption and AI applications in media and marketing communications.

Media Management and Economics Communication Technology Brand Relationships Artificial Intelligence Media Competition

Theodore Arapis, PhD

Associate Professor and Chair of Public Administration | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Theodore Arapis, PhD, focuses on local government financial management and budgeting, fiscal performance measurement and transparency.

Public Administration Fiscal Transparency & Accountability School District Financing Budgeting Public Finance

Alexander Theodoridis

Associate Professor of Political Science / Co-director of UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Alex Theodoridis looks at the ways in which citizens interact with the political world in an era of hyper-polarization.

Public Opinion and American Politics Political Behavior Polling Public Opinion and Public Policy

Simon Daniels

Director, Marketing Operations Consulting · Percassity Marketing Data Solutions

Marketing Operations expert at Percassity Marketing Data Solutions

Marketing Automation Analytics B2b Marketing Marketing Operations Database Marketing

Leslie Hancock

President and Founder · Crown Word Services

Experienced content strategist, speaker and trainer.

Communication Social Media Content

Anthony Maurelli

Professor · University of Florida

Anthony Maurelli studies bacterial genetics to address questions about how bacteria cause gut disease and sexually transmitted infections.

Laboratory Capacity Building Wasterwater Epidemiology Sexually Transmitted Diseases Shigella Genetics and Pathogenesis Bacterial Pathogenesis

Sarah Skerik

Vice President, Social Media · PR Newswire

Helping communications pros tune in to customer conversations and trends to drive brand awareness and audience engagement

Digital Marketing Online Pr Seo Strategies Strategic Communications Media Relations

Leyda Hernandez

Director of Marketing · Priori Legal

Director of Marketing | Growth Strategist | Board Member | Adjunct Faculty | Consultant

Social Media Integrated Marketing Digital Marketing E-Commerce

Beth Virnig

Dean and Professor · University of Florida

Beth Virnig’s research examines how patient factors and system factors combine to influence health care and health outcomes.

Cancer Care End-Of-Life Care Health Care Systems Health Disparities Medicare

Rita Singh

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Rita Singh works on core algorithmic aspects of computer voice recognition and artificial intelligence applied to voice forensics.

IoT Security and Privacy Formal Methods AI and ML for Security Cryptography Emerging Applications Security

Julia Ranzani

Content Marketing · Creative Communications

I do everything content.

Content Marketing Mobile Marketing Social Media Marketing

Shai Berger

CEO · Fonolo

Serial entrepreneur. Customer service, smart phones, call centers, social media, enterprise sales (from a science & engineering perspective)

Social Media Smartphones Customer Service