Maria Pizzano

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Maria Pizzano is a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment and a Lecturer at Loyola Marymount University.

Autism Research and Treatment Psychology Human Development Molecular and Cell Biology

Bryan Eisenberg

Partner · Eisenberg Holdings, LLc

New York Times Bestselling author on Marketing Optimization and Online Marketing

Web Analytics Online Marketing A/B Testing Multivariate Testing Persuasion

Nicole Onetto

Deputy Director and Chief Scientific Officer · Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

Dr. Onetto is responsible for developing and maintaining relationships with cancer research stakeholders.

Oncology Pediatrics Clinical Research Lung Cancer Pancreatic Cancer

Robert Walker

Professor · University of Florida

Robert Walker is a human geographer with training in statistics and economics who studies land cover change processes.

Land Change The Amazon Latin American Studies Land Use Change Modeling Geospatial Analysis and Techniques

Rebecca L. George

Instructor of Anthropology and Assistant Director of Forensic Anthropology Facilities · Western Carolina University

Rebecca L. George focuses on the utility of dental morphology and metrics to estimate population affinity within forensic anthropology.

Forensic Anthropology Dental Anthropology Osteology Skeletal Processing Bioarchaeology

Mo Jiang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · Virginia Commonwealth University

Advance crystallization and material manufacturing for health and energy applications

Multiphase slug flow Process design and control Battery materials (Bio)Pharmaceuticals Reaction Engineering

Daniel White

Associate Professor, Physical Therapy · University of Delaware

Daniel White strives to develop clinically feasible and practical ways to increase physical activity in older adults.

Physical Therapy Physical Activity Rehabilitation Sciences Knee Osteoarthritis Rheumatology

Bret Myers, PhD

Professor of the Practice, Management & Operations | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Bret Myers, PhD, utilizes analytics to improve decision processes for sports businesses on-field and in the management of operations.

Business Management Business Analytics Business Operations Sports Analytics

Otis Prince

President, CEO · Otis Prince International

Experienced, eloquent and dynamic speaker who fuses authenticity, humor, passion, humility and inspiration to connect and engage.

Small Business Leadership Versus Management Effective Communication

Domenic Forte

Professor · University of Florida

Domenic Forte is an expert in the fields of hardware security and assurance, electronic design automation, and microelectronics.

Counterfeit Electronics National Security Hardware Security Electronic Design Automation Artificial Intelligence

Heather Bastedo

Principal · Public Square Research

Heather Bastedo has more than ten years of experience in persuasion and motivation research

Politics Public Speaking Public Policy Policy Strategic Communications

William Hahn, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · Florida Atlantic University

William Hahn researches neural networks and deep learning.

Neural Networks Deep Learning Medical Imaging

Dr Katie Tonkiss

Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Tonkiss is concerned with critically interrogating the relationship of citizenship and national identity.

Membership Identity Citizenship HM Sociology Immigration

Alayne "Mimi" Ormerod, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Racial/Ethnic harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination in the schools, workplace, and military; Sexual violence

Research Methods Psychometric Theory Research in Psychotherapy Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in the Schools, Workplace, and Military Sexual Violence

Timothy J. Williamson

Assistant Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Mindfulness Stress and Coping Psychosocial Oncology Clinical Psychology Health Psychology

Gordon Brent Pierce

Founder and CEO · Pierco Management Inc

Founder and CEO at Pierco Management Inc

Asset and Investment Assessment Business Development Planning Finance Syndication

Linda Pescatello, Ph.D., FACSM, FAHA

Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut

Dr. Pescatello specializes in exercise prescription for health benefit

Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Disease Complementary and Alternative Exercise Exercise Genomics Exercise Prescription

Brittany Glidden

Associate Clinical Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Brittany Glidden is an Associate Clinical Professor of Law at UC Hastings

Civil Litigation Civil Rights Prisoners' Rights Employment Rights Externships

Angelos Keromytis

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Angelos Keromytis is an expert in systems and network security, and applied cryptography.

Computer and Network Security Privacy Software Security Network Security Cryptography Software

Christina DeJong

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University

Dr. DeJong can discuss gender, sexuality and crime; violence against women; sexual assault; genocide; and other criminal justice issues.

Gender, Sexuality, and Justice Genocide Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Hate Crimes Violence Against Women