Jodi Short

Professor of Law, Honorable Roger J. Traynor Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-703-8205 / Office 310-200

Administrative Law Government Processes Labour and Environmental Standards Global Supply Chains Regulatory Reform

Oliver Hahl

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Oliver Hahl's research interests revolve around how audience perceptions of organizations and individuals influence behavior in markets.

Authenticity Economic Sociology Business and Economics Organization Theory Entrepreneurship

Daniel Wright, PhD

Faculty Director, Center for Business Analytics; Professor of Management and Operations | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Daniel Wright, PhD, is an expert in Business Analytics, Management and Operations.

Business Healthcare Staffing Service Operations Supply Chain Management Operations Management

Julian Ku

Professor of Law and Interim Dean · Hofstra University

The Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor in Constitutional Law and Professor of Law.

International Law International Law in U.S. Courts Constitutional Law Corporate Law Trans Pacific Partnership

Greg Verdino


Seasoned marketing advisor to 49 of the Fortune 500. Leading thinker on marketing strategy & innovation.

Marketing Social Media Social Business Digital Marketing Branding

Eric Groves

Founder and CEO · Alignable

Your audience will put the stamp of approval on a special delivery presentation from the man who literally wrote the book on email marketing

Direct E-Mail Marketing Information Technology Marketing Strategy Putting Social Media to Work Corporate & Business Strategy

Lawrence Drzal

University Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science · Michigan State University

Expertise in adhesion, surface modification, composites/nanocomposites, graphene nanoplatelets, and multifunctional materials.

Carbon Fibers Ultraviolet Light Surface Modification Multifunctional Materials Composite Materials Adhesion

Steven Sheffrin

Professor of Economics · Tulane University

Steven Sheffrin’s research is focused on property taxation, state corporate taxation, tax fairness and compliance.

Tax Compliance Economics Policy-Oriented ISsues Property Taxation Tax Fairness

Gary Richards

Professor of English · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Richards' research focuses on Southern literature.

Southern Literature and Culture American Fiction Contemporary Drama English Harper Lee

Eric Feron

Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Eric Feron uses fundamental concepts of control systems, optimization and computer science to address problems in aerospace engineering.

Flight Mechanics & Controls Air Traffic Control Systems Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Aerospace Software Systems

Nicholas Leadbeater, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry · University of Connecticut

Dr. Leadbeater specializes in cleaner, greener ways to make molecules.

Organic Chemistry Green Chemistry Metals in Preparative Chemistry Preparing Biofuels Public Communication of Science

Reuel Schiller

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4879 / Office 380-200

Administrative Law American Legal History Labor Law Employment Law

Ronald Rogge

Associate Professor of Psychology · University of Rochester

Rogge's research focuses on understanding dynamics within romantic relationships and families.

Marriage and Close Relationships Couples Behavior Family Psychology Romance Couples and Families

Mindy Benson

President · Southern Utah University

Specializes in higher education administration, event management and production, community relations, fundraising, and donor engagement

Donor Engagement Higher Education Administration Outreach in Rural Communities History of Southern Utah University Event Planning, University Commencement

Jay Wierer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Jay Wierer's areas of interest include engineering education, standards-based grading, and both music & statistical signal processing.

Engineering Education Music Signal Processing Statistical Signal Processing Control Systems Digital Signal Processing

Joan C. Williams

Distinguished Professor of Law, UC Hastings Foundation Chair and Director of the Center for WorkLife Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4706 / Office 402-100

Property Law Feminist Legal Theory Work Life Balance Gender and Sexuality in the Law Work Conflict

Kristin Bennett

Professor, Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science & Associate Director, Institute for Data Exploration and Application (IDEA) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Extracts information from data using novel predictive or descriptive mathematical models

Bioinformatics Data Visualization Machine Learning Data Mining Health Informatics

Stephen Kajiura, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

He studies the sensory biology and behavior of sharks and their relatives as well as their seasonal migrations in southeast Florida.

Telemetry Rays Shark Behavior Sensory Biology Elasmobranchs

Brit McKay

Associate Dean of Students & External Affairs · Georgia Southern University

Professor McKay's research focuses on the use of expert systems in designing decision aids and recent developments in taxation

Accounting Information Systems International Accounting Issues Decision Aids Taxation International Accounting

Brenda Lee

Ph.D., C.Psych.(Cand.), Counsellor · University of Manitoba

Relationship and sex researcher (monogamy, infidelity, breakups, relationship maintenance, cyber/stalking); clinical therapist.

Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology Research Research Analysis Abnormal Psychology