Timothy McMahon
Principal · Timothy McMahon & Company
RE-Entrepreneuring! -- The 7 Strategies for Re-Energizing Your Business in the New Economy
World Class Selling Managing for Performance New Technologies Social Media Sales Management
Claire Davies
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Mechanical and Materials Engineering · Queen's University
My primary research goal focuses on increasing independence of people with disabilities
Biomaterials Motion Analysis Assistive Technology Increasing Independence of People with Disabilities Universal Design
Peter Christensen
Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Art History · University of Rochester
Peter Christensen's specialization is modern architectural and environmental history of Germany, Central Europe and the Middle East.
Architectural design theory and history Critical Digital Humanities Historicism 19th Century Architectural History 20th Century Architectural History
Hans M. Hirschi
Founder & Partner · Yāree AB
Exceptional personality with a passion for communication, leadership, learning & development across cultures
Common Sense Communication Cross-Cultural Learning Development
Philip La Duke
Safety Iconoclast & Culture Transformation Architect · ERM
One of the most informative, entertaining, and engaging speakers you're likely to ever find
Talent & Gamification Talent Management Cross generational training and management Planning Corporate Culture
Surupa Gupta
Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Gupta is an expert on Indian politics and economics, international political economy, gender and development, and South Asian politics.
Indian Politics and Economics International Political Economy Politics of Economic Development South Asian Politics Global Economic Governance
Shaowen Xu
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Southern University
Shaowen Xu is an expert in Friction Stir Welding Processing, Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanofracture and Nanofailure.
Stress Analysis Material Behavior of Advanced Engineering Materials and Bio-materials Friction Stir Welding Processing Advanced Nanomaterials, Nanofracture and Nanofailure Transient Dynamics of Extreme Loads
Timothy Dombek
Canon to the Ordinary · The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona
I speak, preach, and teach to empower people, generous giving, and mission.
Stewardship Mission and Vision Giving and Planned Giving Disability Access and Advocate
Daniel Smith-Christopher
Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Old Testament Studies Old Testament Theology Religion and Peace Nonviolence Cross-Cultural Interpretation of the Bible and Indigenous Christianity Postcolonial Interpretation of Bible
Bryan W. Brooks, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Environmental Science and Public Health; Director of Environmental Health Science · Baylor University
Interdisciplinary expert researcher and author on water quality, environmental health and sustainability issues in rapidly urbanizing areas.
Contaminants of Emerging Concern Harmful Algal Blooms Urbanization Sustainability Issues Environmental Contaminants
Cang Ye, Ph.D.
Professor · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Ye's research interests include Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, 3D Computer Vision, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems.
Ginger Grant
Professor (Marketing and Innovation) · Sheridan College
Innovation Management, Leadership Development, Strategy, Corporate Anthropology, Organizational Design, Scenario Planning, Storytelling
Experiential and Archetypal Marketing Scenario Planning Revisioning Retirement Innovation Culture Design Thinking
Jeff Thies, D. Min.
Clinical Associate Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Director, Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainability
Business Ethics Applied Ethics Leadership Formation Workplace Spirituality Sustainability
Dr Maria Chli
Reader, Computer Science · Aston University
Dr Chli's work is in the area of artificial intelligence, particularly in applying machine learning techniques.
Agent-Based Computing Deep Learning Architectures Machine Learning Techniques Probabilistic Modeling Smart Cities
Dr. PANKAJ DHUSSA (- Ph.D. & Sc.D. -)
Research Scientist & iNaturalist
Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation
Dr Cathrine Jansson-Boyd
Reader in Consumer Psychology · Anglia Ruskin University
Cathrine has media experience commentating on issues such as buyer behaviour, encouraging less consumption, & making sustainable purchases.
Consumer Psychology Product Touch and Image Sustainable Buying Consumer Choices Buying Behaviour
Ai-Ping Hu
Senior Research Engineer, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Ai-Ping Hu is an expert in the areas of robots, farming and autonomy.
Farming Autonomy Robotics
Justin Cole
Director of the Center for Pharmacy Innovation · Cedarville University
Dr. Cole is an expert in pediatrics, pharmacy innovation, interprofessional care, and pharmacy practice advancement.
Neurology Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Pediatrics Pharmacy Innovation
Jim Finkelstein
President and CEO · FutureSense, LLC
A contrarian who is a stimulating speaker; an expert in people and organization strategy and a "millennial in boomer clothing"
Compensation: Reward and Motivation in the 21st Century Organization Communications: Effective Employee Engagement The New Cogenerational Workplace: From 18-80 Boards of Directors: Ethics and Responsibilities The People Dimension: Environment