Wujie Zhang, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Wujie Zhang is an expert in biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cell-based medicine, micro/nanotechnology, and drug delivery.

Biomaterials Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Micro/Nano-technology Drug Delivery Stem Cell Research

Joe Brown

Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Joe Brown’s research interests include water infrastructure sustainability and detection methods for pathogens in the environment.

Water and Wastewater Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment Engineering Applications in Underserved Communities Bioaerosols

Reuben Sandler

Corporate Advisory Board · InventionShare

Dr. Sandler has led development into technologies in optical sensing and instrumentation

Instrumentation Optical Security Mathematics Medical Software Optical Sensing

Matey Kaltchev, Ph.D.

Professor, Department Chair · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Matey Kaltchev's areas of expertise include Physical Chemistry, Surface Science, Nanoengineering

Catalysis Nanoengineering and Nanomaterials FTIR Spectroscopy Physical Chemistry Surface Science

Kimberly Foster

Dean, School of Science and Engineering & Professor, Physics and Engineering Physics & Professor, Biomedical Engineering (by Courtesy) · Tulane University

Kimberly Foster’s current research interests include nonlinear microelectromechanical systems, and biomedical technology development

Mechanics of Micro/Nanosystems Hierarchical Micro/Nanosystems MEMS Microelectromechanical Systems Bio-Inspired Micro/Nanosystems

Dean Krusienski, Ph.D.

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Department of Biomedical Engineering | B.S., M.S., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University · VCU College of Engineering

Focusing on neural signal processing and analysis for the development of brain-computer interfaces and neuroprosthetic devices.

EEG Analysis Brain-Computer Interfaces Signal Processing Machine Learning Neuroprosthetics

Hessie Jones


Author, Digital Strategist: Generational insights, Big Data Strategy and Performance, Customer Centricity

Generational Differences Generation Y Generation X Marketing Advertising

Puspa Adhikari, Ph.D.

Expert in marine and environmental chemistry · Florida Gulf Coast University

Puspa Adhikari uses the ocean floor and water column to investigate the impact of Florida's red tide, organic pollutants and nutrients.

Gulf of Mexico Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Nutrients Organic Pollutants Marine and Environmental Chemistry

Robbin Phillips

Courageous President

The Firestarter! Putting a match to word-of-mouth marketing campaigns that ignite a sustainable movement of brand identity & loyal support

Creating Movements Branding and Identity Content Development & Management Community Management and Word of Mouth Marketing Customer Engagement & Retention

Martha Buell

Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware

Research focuses on policies related to early childhood care and education.

Teacher Education Teacher Development Literacy Development Early Childhood Education Childcare

Andrea Wittenborn

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Dr. Wittenborn is an expert on depression, couple therapy, and intimate partnerships.

Psychotherapy Marriage Depression Family

Sarah Pressman

Professor, Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Dr. Pressman's research focuses on the interplay of emotions, social relationships, and health, with a focus on physiological processes.

Social Relationships and Health Emotion and Emotion Regulation Stress and Coping Mental Health & Wellness Physiological Measurement

Wei-Ning Wang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Aerosol-enabled technologies towards addressing critical challenges in the sectors of energy, the environment, and human health.

Aerosol science and technology Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Environmental Science and Technology Heterogeneous Catalysis Materials Science and Engineering

Saraswathi Bellur, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Communication · University of Connecticut

Saras Bellur is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Connecticut.

Interactive Health Technologies Media Interfaces Human-Computer Interaction Mediated Content

Ahmet H. Kirca

Associate Professor of International Business and Marketing · Michigan State University

Kirca is an expert in international marketing and marketing strategy

International Marketing Marketing Strategy Organizational Culture Tourism Industry Applied Meta-Analysis

Victor Perez

Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice; Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware

Prof. Perez focuses on environmental racism and health disparities in historically marginalized communities.

Health Disparities Marginalized Communities Environmental Racism

James Druckman

Martin Brewer Anderson Professor of Political Science · University of Rochester

Druckman is an expert in American political behavior and survey methodology.

American Democracy Political Divides American Political Culture Trust in Science Survey Methodology

Amanda Parriag

Principal · ParriagGroup

ParriagGroup| Amanda has 17 years experience as a researcher & consultant in Indigenous issues, education and health.

Qualitative Research Report Writing Program Evaluation Proposal Writing Quantitative Research

Lyle Brenner

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Lyle Brenner's research investigates how consumers and managers make predictions, inferences and decisions.

Consumer and Managerial Decision Making Statistics and Research Methods Consumer Statistical Reasoning Judgment Under Uncertainty Mathematical Psychology

Joseph A. Hamm

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Expert in: Public trust in legal and regulatory governmental entities

Public Opinion Trust/Confidence/Legitimacy Natural Resource Management State Courts Performance Measurement