Rima Taher
Senior University Lecturer · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Taher focuses on structural technology, stability of structures, architectural cognizance and engineering standards
Hurricanes Structural Engineering Engineering & Technical Design Structural Design Engineering
Forrest Masters
Professor · University of Florida
Forrest Masters studies tropical cyclone wind and wind-driven rain effects on the built environment as a wind engineer.
Wind Tunnel Modeling Wind Engineering Tropical Cyclones Hurricanes Destructive Testing
Joanne Muller, Ph.D.
Expert in hurricanes and climate change · Florida Gulf Coast University
Joanne Muller is an expert in the impact of climate change in tropical and sub-tropical areas.
Paleoclimatology Climate Change Hurricanes Sea Level Rise Women in STEM
David O. Prevatt
Professor · University of Florida
David O. Prevatt researches the performance of residential structures in high wind events such as tornadoes and hurricanes.
Hurricane and Tornado Damage Mitigation Hurricane Damage Structural Load Paths Structural Engineering Wind Engineering
Jennifer Trivedi
Assistant Professor, Anthropology; Core Faculty Member, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware
Prof. Trivedi's research explores disaster vulnerability, response, recovery, resilience and decision-making.
Disaster Resilience Disaster Response Disaster Vulnerability Disaster Recovery Hurricanes
Jase Bernhardt
Associate Professor of Geology, Environment, and Sustainability · Hofstra University
Dr. Bernhardt has had a lifelong passion for studying weather and climate. His current research focuses hurricane preparedness.
Rip Tide safety Hurricanes Climatology Climate Change Weather
Tricia Wachtendorf
Director / Professor, Disaster Research Center / Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice · University of Delaware
Prof. Wachtendorf expertise lies in the social, organizational, and decision-making aspects of disasters.
evacuations Multi-organizational coordination and responses in disasters Transnational crises Improvisation and adaptation Community-based approaches to preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation
Anna Nagurney
Eugene M. Isenberg Chair in Integrative Studies, Isenberg School of Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Anna Nagurney studies network systems with applications including congested urban transportation networks, disaster relief and supply chains
War in in Ukraine and supply issues Cold Chain Logistics Supply Chain and Logistics Management Sustainable Supply Chains COVID-19 and supply chains
Steven Lazarus, Ph.D.
Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Lazarus' research interests include data assimilation, electrical phenomena such as gigantic jets, and wind/wave interactions.
Climate Change Hurricanes Wind and Waves Data Assimilation Gigantic Jets
Joseph E. Trainor
Interim Dean and Professor, Biden School of Public Policy & Administration · University of Delaware
Can discuss behavioral responses to disasters, including household risk management and decision making about warnings and evacuation orders.
Public and organizational behavior in disasters Disaster Mitigation Smart Warning Systems Mobile Warning Systems Disaster Warning Systems
Robert S. Young
Professor · Western Carolina University
Robert S. Young is a licensed professional geologist in three states (FL, NC, SC).
Holocene landscape evolution in the southern Appalachians Wetlands Coastal Management Coastal Processes Hurricanes
Edward Guinan, PhD
Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Edward Guinan, PhD, an expert in astronomy and space science research explores the sun, stars, planets, extraterrestrial life potential.
Severe & Hazardous Weather / Global Warming Interstellar Travel Potential Pulsating Stars and Stellar Evolution Exoplanets and the Suitability of Exoplanets for Life Astrobiology/Exobiology
Cristina L. Archer
Professor, Geography and Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Archer's research interests include: renewable energy, wind power, climate change, and numerical modeling of atmospheric processes.
Air Quality Wind Power Renewable Energy Meteorology Climate Change
Ryan Klein
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Ryan Klein studies how trees in urban areas are affected by hurricanes and the risks these damaged trees pose to property and residents.
Tree Physiology Biomechanics Arboriculture Tree Health Tree Care
Jacqueline Kowalski
Associate Extension Educator · University of Connecticut
Jacqueline Kowalski's specialty areas are urban agriculture, food production, and integrated pest management.
Urban Agriculture Integrated Pest Management Food System Stabilization Horticulture Community Gardens
Thomas Kostigen
Bestselling author · Thomas Kostigen
Celebrity Collaboration / Climate / Sustainable Food
Collaboration and New Ways of Working Journalism Environment Climate Business
David Keellings
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
David Keellings focuses on climate extremes, driving physical mechanisms, and the influence of climate change versus natural variability.
AI Drought Climate Extremes Heat Waves Rainfall
Scott Imberman
Professor · Michigan State University
Education expert and economist, focusing on policy issues in K-12 and higher education
Autism Spectrum Disorder Teacher Incentives Education Policy Economics of Education School Choice
Michael L. Parsons, Ph.D.
Expert in coastal water health · Florida Gulf Coast University
Michael Parsons studies the causes of harmful algal blooms and how their toxins can impact marine and human lives.
Coral Reef Ecology Ciguatera Outbreaks Coastal Water Health Plankton Ecosystems Harmful Algal Blooms
Samuel Redman
Professor of History and Director of Public History Program · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sam Redman is best known for his work on the history of museums, especially the history of anthropology and archaeology.
History of Museums Public History Oral History Historical Research Methodology Memory and Cultural Heritage