Richard Oberhelman, MD

Chair of the Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences and adjunct professor of pediatrics. · Tulane University

Dr. Oberhelman is an expert in impact, prevention and control of enteric infections/diarrheal diseases in children and COVID-19.

Coronavirus Impact prevention and control of enteric infections/diarrheal diseases in children International research training Impact, prevention and control of tuberculosis in children COVID-19

Supriyo Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D.

Commonwealth Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Bandyopadhyay has authored and co-authored over 400 research publications

Self-assembly of Regimented Nanostructure Arrays Spintronics Quantum Devices Hot Carrier Transport in Nanostructures Nanoelectronics

George Kimbiris, M.D., FSIR

Section Chief of Vascular Interventional Radiology and Interventional Radiology Lab · ChristianaCare

Dr. George Kimbiris is the section chief of Interventional Radiology and medical director, Interventional Radiology Lab at ChristianaCare.

Interventional Radiology Vascular Interventional Radiology

Dr. Mark Ware

Chief Medical Officer · Canopy Growth

Dr. Ware leads Canopy Growth’s medical division, Spectrum Therapeutics including research towards the development of cannabinoid medicines.

Endocannabinoid System Cannabis Research Cannabinoids Medical Cannabis Clinical Research

Stephen Murphy

Assistant professor of environmental health sciences · Tulane University

Murphy is an expert in disaster resilience, public health emergency preparedness and addressing environmental threats such as COVID-19.

COVID-10 (Coronavirus) Development and translation of effective disaster policy into practice Public health emergency preparedness Disaster resilience Impact of cumulative environmental health threats, disasters, and health disparities

Lina Moses

Clinical Assistant Professor · Tulane University

Lina Moses' primary interest is the control of viral zoonoses transmitted from small mammals

COVID-19 Ecology Epidemiology Zoonoses Pathogens

Mollye Demosthenidy

Clinical Associate Professor · Tulane University

Mollye Demosthenidy is an expert in The Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and healthcare reform

Healthcare Reform Affordable Care Act Obamacare Health Insurance Health Policy

Julie Hernandez

Assistant professor of health policy and management · Tulane University

Hernandez is an expert in geographic information systems, digital data collection and COVID-19.

Coronavirus Sexual and reproductive health Geographic Information Systems Access to Healthcare COVID-19

Ryan Cohn

Partner, Executive Vice President · Sachs Media Group

Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Media and Communications

Social Media Social Media Marketing Facebook Digital Marketing Public Affairs

Jennifer Johannesen

Author, speaker, blogger · Patient Advocate

My talks are frank and unsentimental, yet lighthearted and engaging. No lecturing! Authentic patient experience illuminated through stories.

Disability Advocacy Ethics Parenting Children With Special Needs Patient Advocacy

Jose Ma, M.D., FAAFP

Family Medicine Physician at ChristianaCare Primary Care at Perryville, MD · ChristianaCare

Dr. Jose Ma is a family medicine physician at ChristianaCare Primary Care at Perryville.

Sara Dolcetti

Director and Head of Global Business Development and Marketing, Oncology and Genomics · Philips Precision Medicine

Sara Dolcetti is an expert in corporate strategy, business development, and marketing.

Machine Learning Strategy Change Management Project Management Business Process Improvement

Paola Marignani PhD, MBA

Professor · Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Paola Marignani is a scientist dedicated to developing personalized precision medicine that will improve human health.

Breast Cancer Research Lung cancer Research Gene Editing CRISPR-Cas9 Transgenic mouse models of cancer

Aprinda Indahlastari

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Aprinda Indahlastari focuses on achieving precision medicine by improving existing medical devices/intervention methods.

Cognitive Aging tDCS Computational Neuroscience Finitie Element Methods Neuromodulation

Mark Largent

Interim Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of Undergraduate Studies · Michigan State University

Largent is an historian of science, technology and medicine.

Learning Analytics History of Darwin Eugenics History of Science History of Biology

Raymond Carter, M.D.

Clinical Leader at ChristianaCare’s Concord Health Center · ChristianaCare

Disease Prevention and Control Primary Care

Joshua Goldberger

Assistant Professor | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry · The Ohio State University

New materials expert, specializing in applications in electronics, energy conversion, and medicine

Chemistry Biomedical Applications Biomedical Engineering Materials Science

Heather Hampel

Professor I Department of Internal Medicine · The Ohio State University

Professor Hampel works to screen all colorectal and endometrial cancer patients for Lynch syndrome.

Clinical Cancer Genetics Lynch Syndrome Colon Cancer Research Uterine Cancer Cancer Genetics

Heather Vrana

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Heather Vrana's research explores student and social movements, Central America, disability and history of medicine and nationalisms.

Youth and Childhood Social and Student Movements Latin American Studies Disability

Nancy Rose Hunt

Professor · University of Florida

Nancy Rose Hunt’s work focuses on the history and anthropology of medicine in Africa.

Medical History Vernacular Archives Archives Childbirth History and Anthropology of Central Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo