Margo Crawford
President & CEO · Business Sherpa
A flood of applause! The Business Sherpa will lead you to higher ground with expertise in handling critical business priorities and HR needs
Human Resources and Management Corporate Transactions Contracts Management Corporate Governance Corporate Communications
Margaret Ray
Chair and Professor of Economics · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Ray specializes in applied microeconomics and econometrics, industrial organization and regional economics.
Economics Econometrics Applied Microeconomics Economic Education Industrial Organizations and Antitrust
James Kendra
Director, Disaster Research Center; Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware
Prof. Kendra researches emergency planning and crisis management.
Organizational Improvisation and Resilience Emergency Management Technology Disaster Planning Crisis Management Emergency Planning
Hiba Baroud
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Vanderbilt University
Expert in risk, reliability and resilience of critical infrastructure against climate change and natural disasters, particularly flooding.
Climate Change Flood Mitigation Natural Disasters Resilience modeling Interdependent Systems Data Analytics
Michael Stewart
Community Relations Consultant · CAA South Central Ontario
Michael oversees CAA South Central Ontario's traffic safety outreach efforts.
Speeding Impaired Driving Road User Safety Pedestrian Safety Road Safety
Aaditya Ramdas
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Aaditya Ramdas' research is aimed at solving basic problems in science and technology.
Elections Game-Theoretic Statistics Machine Learning Statistics Data Science
Jeanette Wyneken, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Jeanette Wyneken is an expert in vertebrate morphology, physiological ecology, behavioral ecology, and marine conservation biology.
Marine Conservation Biology Physiological Ecology Vertebrate Morphology Behavioral Ecology
Douglas J. Casa, Ph.D.
CEO-Korey Stringer Institute, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Department of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut
Focused on prevention of sudden death in sport, exertional heat stroke, wearable technologies, hydration, and performance in the heat
Elite Atheletes Hydration/Dehydration Fluid-Electrolyte Balance Exertional Heat Illnesses Wearable Technologies
Martha Kohen
Professor/Director · University of Florida
Martha Kohen is an expert in sustainability in built environment resilience, smart buildings/cities and sustainable architecture and design.
Latin American Studies Storm Preparation Coastal Erosion Urban Design Sea Level Rise
Manasvi Lingam, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Lingam's research interests are primarily within the transdisciplinary areas of astrobiology.
Planetary Science Plasma Physics Astrobiology Astrophysics
Rufus Isaacs
Professor of Entomology · Michigan State University
Expert in bees, pollination and bees impact on crops
Pest management Pollination Grape Berry Corps Pollinator Conservation
Metin Duran, PhD
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering | College of Engineering · Villanova University
Metin Duran, PhD, is an expert on using beneficial microorganisms to re-mediate pollutants and remove harmful microorganisms from water.
Microbial Water Quality Renewable Energy from Waste Wastewater Treatment Water Pollution
Kelly Goonan
Assistant Professor of Outdoor Recreation · Southern Utah University
Outdoor recreation expertise with outdoor safety tips, planning national park visits, and planning and management of outdoor recreation.
Visitor Use Management Wilderness First Aid Resource Management Recreation Impact Analysis Recreation Ecology
Alan Hamlin
Professor, Management · Southern Utah University
Experienced management consultant and legal expert witness.
Government and Business International Business Sales Management Ethics
Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD
Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology| College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Sister Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD, works to find a new unity and synthesis in science and religion.
Theology Neuroscience Artificial Intelligence and Becoming Culture and Religion Catholicity
David Berri
Department Chair and Professor of Economics · Southern Utah University
Specializing in evaluations of players and coaches in sports, gender issues in sports, and competitive balance in sports
Distrubution of Wealth and Power Unpaid Athletes in the NCAA NBA Salary Caps Sports Economics NCAA
Robert Traver, PhD
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director of the Villanova Center for Resilient Water Systems; Director of the Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership | College of Engineering · Villanova University
Robert Traver, PhD., P.E., D. WRE, F.EWRI, F.ASCE, is an expert on green stormwater infrastructure.
Stormwater Management Green Infrastructure Flooding Urban Watersheds Water Resources
Holly Chang
Curator · Middlebrook Prize Winners
Holly Chang is an emerging artist, curator and researcher from Toronto, Ontario.
Photography Art
Shem Malmquist
Instructor | College of Aeronautics · Florida Tech
Shem Malmquist is an international Boeing 777 captain and experienced accident and safety investigator.
Aircraft Operations Accident Investigation System Safety Engineering Safety Analysis
Jose Vazquez, MD
Infectious Diseases · Augusta University
Dr. Jose Vazquez studies and treats infectious diseases, including COVID-19, antibiotic-resistant superbugs and fungal infections.
Coronavirus Translational Medicine in Infectious Diseases Drug-Resistant Infections (CREs, KPCs) Infectious Disease Clinical Trials Antimicrobials and Antifungals