James A. Roberts, Ph.D.

The Ben H. Williams Professor of Marketing · Baylor University

Expert on consumer behavior, compulsive buying & the impact of smartphone and social media use on well-being

Consumer Psychology Consumer Behavior Marketing Consumer Culture Materialism

Amanda L. (Glaze) Townley

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Amanda Townley's research centers on the intersections of science and society, specifically the acceptance and rejection of evolution.

Pre-Service Teacher Education Intersections of Science and Society Worldview Theory Evolution Education Conceptual Change

David Creswell

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

David Creswell’s research focuses broadly on understanding what makes people resilient under stress.

Social Psychology Health Neuroscience Neuroscience Health Psychology Psychoneuroimmunology

Andrew Rohm, Ph.D.

Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Co-Director of the M-School

Social Media Marketing New Media Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Marketing

Colleen Haggerty

Author, Coach, Speaker · self-employed

Author, Coach, Speaker

Forgiveness Resiliance Mentoring Acceptance Disability

Jeremy Firestone

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Firestone's major research focus is renewable energy transition.

Energy Justice Wind Power Climate Change Policy Renewable Energy Transition Renewable Energy

Professor Viren Swami

Professor of Social Psychology · Anglia Ruskin University

His research focuses on the psychology of body image, human appearance, and attraction in relationships.

Impact of Nature on Healthy Living Tattoos Body Image Psychology of Attraction Relationships

Tara Alvarez

Professor and Director, Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Program · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Alvarez conducts neuroscience research for helping patients recover their vision and for diagnosing other visual diseases.

Vision Therapy Virtual Reality Vision Neuroscience Biomedical Engineering

Dr Ian Maidment

Professor of Clinical Pharmacy · Aston University

Professor Maidment has a focus on the use of medication in day-to-day practice.

Community Pharmacy Dementia Pharmacology Mental Health Medication Management for Older People

Eva Lefkowitz, Ph.D.

Professor, HDFS · University of Connecticut

Dr. Lefkowitz's research focuses on sexual health across adolescence and the transition to adulthood

Sexuality Sexual Behavior Adolescence Risky Behaviors Romantic Relationships

Mark Largent

Interim Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of Undergraduate Studies · Michigan State University

Largent is an historian of science, technology and medicine.

Learning Analytics History of Darwin Eugenics History of Science History of Biology

Meredith David, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Marketing · Baylor University

Dr. David focuses on marketing strategies with an exploration of new technologies.

Strategic Planning Marketing Marketing and Communications Consumer Preferences Well-Being

Robert Pennock

University Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University

Robert Pennock studies organism intelligence by combining evolutionary biology with computer science.

Philosophy of Science Evolutionary Biology Computer Science

Dr Timothy Whitehead

Senior Lecturer in Product Design · Aston University

Dr Whitehead's interest is in developing approaches to improve the design of products distributed in low income countries.

User Centred Design Circular Economy Design for International Development Industrial Design 3D Printing ‎

Dena McMartin

Associate Vice-President · University of Regina

Dena McMartin has developed and supported numerous academic and research partnerships within the university and with international partners.

Stormwater Quality Agricultural Water and Environmental Performance Monitoring Source Water Protection and Planning Chemical-Free Water Treatment Solutions Extreme Water Events & Climate

Larisa Cavallari

Professor · University of Florida

Larisa Cavallari's research involves discovery and clinical translation of genetic variants related to drug response.

Pharmacogenomics Precision Medicine

Simone Peinkofer

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Simone Peinkofer is an assistant professor of supply chain management at Michigan State University.

Logistics Retail Systems Retail Strategy

Sridhar Tayur

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Sridhar Tayur's research interests involve quantum computing, health care operations and supply chain management

Quantum Computing Healthcare Operations Supply Chain Management

Cassandra Estep

Associate Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Social Cognition of Professionals Auditing Behavioral Decision Making

Jackie Blissett

Professor of Psychology · Aston University

Professor Blissett has a interest in children’s fussy eating including poor fruit and vegetable acceptance, emotional eating, and obesity.

Feeding and Eating Behaviour Psychology Childhood Eating Behaviour Fussy Eating Developmental Psychology