Michelle Grimes

Associate Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University

A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution

ADHD Acceptance and Committment Therapy (Act) Anxiety Behavior Disorders in Children Behavioral Health

John Carlson

Professor · Michigan State University

The impact of children's anxiety on their functioning in schools and at home is a primary focus of his research

School Psychology Family, Community, and Schools Assessment, Measurement, and Evaluation School, Family, and Community Counseling

Chaney Stewman, M.D.

Director of Sports Medicine · ChristianaCare

Chaney Stewman, M.D. specializes in sports medicine at ChristianaCare.

Sports Medicine Sports Medicine Acupuncture Acupuncture Integrative Health

Randy Blakely, Ph.D.

Executive Director, FAU Brain Institute & Professor, Biomedical Science · Florida Atlantic University

Randy Blakely is an expert in molecular neuroscience, focusing on how diseases and drugs impact the function of brain synapses and circuits.

Medications Brain Neuroscience Brain Disease Synapse

Deborah Fein, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Distinguished Professor focused on autism spectrum disorders and behavioral therapy for autism.

Clinical Research Neuropsychological Assessment Autism Autism Spectrum Disorders Parent Training

Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.

Developmental, Learning, & Executive Functioning Specialist · Life Solutions of Dallas-Fort Worth

Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.

Executive Functions ADHD Learning & Development

Amy Gravino

Relationship Coach · Rutgers Center for Adult Autism Services

President, A.S.C.O.T. Consulting, Autism Sexuality Advocate, Writer, International Speaker

Autism and Behavior Analysis Public Speaking Writing Blogging Sexuality

Consuelo Kreider

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Consuelo Kreider develops evidence-based strategies to improve access, participation, and inclusion for rural veterans & neurodiverse.

Mixed-methods Disability Research Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Equitable Access to Rehabilitation Rural Health Veteran Rehabilitation

Jerome Schultz

Clinical Neuropsychologist · Harvard Medical School

Experienced clinician and teacher. Captivating, informative speaker who makes the stress/learning connection with humor and wisdom.

The Connection Between Stress and Learning in Kids With Ld Adhd and Asperger Syndrome Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Children With Fragile Emotions and Challenging Behaviors. The De-Stress Model of Intervention for Children With Ld and Adhd The Myths and Realities of Inclusion

Emily Murphy

Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Professor Murphy's research focuses on the intersection of neuroscience, behavioral science, and the law.

Negotiation Civil Procedure Evidence Remedies Brain / Behavioral Science and Law

Fumiko Hoeft

Professor and Campus Director, UConn Waterbury · University of Connecticut

Dr. Hoeft is a neurophysiologist, as well as a systems and developmental cognitive neuroscientist.

Neuroimaging Scientific Writing Neuroscience Science Life Sciences

Tom Kaminski

Professor, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology · University of Delaware

Prof. Kaminski is a leading expert on issues related to purposeful headers in interscholastic and intercollegiate soccer.

Chronic Ankle Instability Repetitive Head Impacts Recovery Assessment

Sheila Ross, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President Academic Retention, Department Chair, Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Sheila Ross is an expert in the areas of universal design and engineering education.

Herschel Lessin

Vice President · The Children's Medical Group PLLC

Funny, engaging speaker on children's health, medical missions, immunizations, medical economics, medical liability, & healthcare policy,

Medical Practice Management/Economics Medical Liability Immunization Policy/Economics Medical Mission Volunteer Pediatric Healthcare Topics

Paul Orfalea

Entrepreneurship Lecturer, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Part-Time Faculty

Dale Peeples, MD

Pediatric Psychiatrist / Associate Professor of Psychiatry · Augusta University

Peeples is a highly-regarded psychiatrist providing tips to maintain mental wellbeing throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.

Foster Care and Adoptions Medical Education Juvenile Delinquency Pediatric Psychiatry Telepsychiatry

Shannon Roberts

Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Shannon Roberts is an expert in understanding how technology and infrastructure guide the design of driver-vehicle interactions.

Technology and driving behavior Young drivers' behavior Smart Communities and Infrastructure Driving behavior

Eli Singer

CEO, Advisor, Investor · NearNow

Mentor Coach for Neurodivergent Leaders & Technology Entrepreneurs

Artifical Intelligence Executive & Leadership Coaching ADHD Venture Capital Thought Leadership

Alexandra (Alex) Sturm

Associate Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Developmental Psychology Executive Function ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorders Psychometrics

Julia Centrella, Psy.D.

Psychologist · ChristianaCare

Julia Centrella, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist and behavioral health consultant with ChristianaCare's Center for Virtual Health.

Living with Long COVID School Avoidance Anxiety ADHD Depression