Marc Smith
Chief Social Scientist · Connected Action
Internet sociologist, using social network analysis and visualization to map and understand social media
Social Media Social Networks Business Collaboration Information Visualization
Margaret Galvan
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Margaret Galvan is a scholar of contemporary visual culture interested in how images are used for purposes of social justice.
Women in Print Movement Queercore Riot Grrrl Grassroots Print Culture Digital Humanities
Jane Landers
Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of History · Vanderbilt University
Expert on digital archives and the history of Colonial Latin America, slavery, early American black history.
Africa Colonial Latin America Caribbean History Comparative Slave Systems The Atlantic World
Lisa A. Costello
Professor, Writing and Linguistics & Director, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program · Georgia Southern University
Lisa Costello researches writing, gender and the Holocaust.
Rhetoric and Public Memory Genocide Studies Women's and Gender Studies The Holocaust Writing and Linguistics