Diane Finegood

Professor · Simon Fraser University

Expert in systems thinking & cross sector partnerships as approaches to solving complex problems including obesity and chronic disease

Health Research Research Ecosystem Public Private Partnerships Complex Systems Chronic Disease Prevention

Cynthia Griffin, BSN, MS, RN

Chief Nursing Officer, Community Care · ChristianaCare

Cynthia Griffin is the chief nursing officer of Community Care at ChristianaCare.

Healthcare Management Nursing

Jacqueline Ortiz, M.Phil

Vice President of Health Equity and Cultural Competence · ChristianaCare

Jacqueline Ortiz, M. Phil. is the vice president for Health Equity and Cultural Competence at ChristianaCare.

Health Equity Cultural Competence Language Services

Juan Andrade Laborde

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Juan Andrade Laborde develops sustainable strategies and technologies that can be used to deliver nutrition to vulnerable populations.

Food Aid Micronutrients Internatinal Development Human Nutrition Food Science and Technology

Dr Simon Underdown

Reader in Biological Anthropology in the Human Origins and Paleo-Environments Research Group · Oxford Brookes University

He researches human evolution - examining ancient DNA to reconstruct past human and animal life.

Public Engagement in Science Human Evolution Anthropology Ancient DNA Genetics

Claudine Jurkovitz, M.D., MPH

Director of Clinical Research, Institute for Research on Equity and Community Health (iREACH) · ChristianaCare

Dr. Claudine Jurkovitz is a nephrologist and a senior physician scientist.

Health Services Research Chronic Disease Epidemiology Nephrology Electronic Health Records

Adam Little

Mentor | CBASE · LifeLearn, Inc.

Adam is a veterinarian and entrepreneur with a passion for applying his diverse experience towards tackling big problems.

Global Health Dogs Epidemiology Animal Nutrition Community Outreach

Larry Payne

Instructor · Loyola Marymount University

Syed A. Hashsham

Professor · Michigan State University

I am an environmental engineer engaged in addressing environmental and health issues using molecular biology, genomics, and microfluidics.

Bioremediation Antimicrobial Resistance Microbial Ecology Environmental Biotechnology Molecular Biology

David W. Stewart, Ph.D.

Emeritus President's Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Educational Administration Consumer Behavior Product Management Marketing Strategy and Communication Marketing and Public Policy

Jeff Levin, Ph.D.

University Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health · Baylor University

Dr. Levin’s current research and writing are focused on the historical and contemporary intersections of faith and medicine.

Coronavirus Social and Epidemiologic Research on Judaism and Population health Theories of Healing and the Work of Healers Role of Faith-Based Initiatives in Public Health and Healthcare Policy Religion and Health

Linda Pescatello, Ph.D., FACSM, FAHA

Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut

Dr. Pescatello specializes in exercise prescription for health benefit

Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Disease Complementary and Alternative Exercise Exercise Genomics Exercise Prescription

Sherry Pagoto, Ph.D.

Professor of Allied Health Sciences · University of Connecticut

Leveraging technology for health promotion and disease prevention

Health Behavior Sun Safety Skin Cancer Prevention Digital Health Social Media

Mary Anne Amalaradjou, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Mary Anne Amalaradjou is a microbiologist with laboratory work focused on food safety and gut health

Inflammation Microbiome Gut Health Probiotics Food Safety

Martha Paynter

Registered Nurse, President of the Board · Wellness Within

Access to abortion, prison abolition, criminalization and reproductive health

Health Services Management Feminist Health Advocacy Childbirth Breastfeeding Pain Management

Melissa Melough

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Nutrition Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Melough studies the interrelationships of nutritional and environmental factors influencing human health.

Nutrition Epidemiology Public Health Molecular Epidemiology Cancer Epidemiology

Michael Roizen, MD

Chief Wellness Officer; Chair, Wellness Institute · Cleveland Clinic

Reveals how to stay fit, the right way to diet, and how to control your genes, choose the right supplements and keep the brain healthy

The Cleveland Clinic Experience in Bending the Cost Curve: How Social Media Has Buttressed Other Technologies Changing Health Caregiver Stress Top 12 Things You Can Do for Your Health Economics of Prevention

Loureen Smart Downes, Ph.D.

Expert in healthy lifestyle behaviors · Florida Gulf Coast University

Loureen Downes researches physical activity, nutrition and chronic disease prevention.

Lifestyle Medicine Nutrition Disease Prevention Type 2 diabetes and diabetes self-management education

Martha Belury

Professor, Human Sciences | College of Education and Human Ecology · The Ohio State University

Professor Belury conducts biological and nutritional research into how diet and lifestyle alter obesity, diabetes and metabolic disorders

Nutrition Nutrition & Disease Prevention Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Nutrition & Wellness Nutrition (Eating Emotionally)

Katherine Gettys

Wellness Educator and Health Coach · NSA

Physician and experienced speaker passionate about nutrition, health and happiness

Nutrition Disease Prevention Well-Being