Nora Egan Demers, Ph.D.
Expert in health and pollution · Florida Gulf Coast University
Nora Demers researches the effects of stressors on biological systems.
Human Health Effects of Stressors on Biological Systems Community Engagement Immunology Environmental Pollutants
Michael Milczarek, M.S.
Senior Soil Scientist · Global Water Experts
Mike Milczarek has over 20 years of experience in groundwater recharge, mine reclamation and land restoration studies
Groundwater Recharge Processes Mine Waste Closure System Assessment and Design Habitat Restoration Unsaturated Flow and Contaminant Fate and Transport Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions
Jeffrey Buler
Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware
Prof. Buler's current research focuses on radar biology, avian ecology and migration, landscape ecology, and conservation biology.
Bird Migration Radar Aeroecology Landscape Ecology Species Distribution Modeling Stopover Ecology