Arjun Krishnan
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Arjun Krishnan develops and applies computational data-driven approaches to unravel how our genome relates to health and disease.
Precision Medicine Big Data Genome-wide molecular networks Computational Biology Machine Learning
Dr. Sima Salahshor
Adjunct Professor · University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine
Health Innovation Advisory and Program Design & Management
Oncology and Cancer Research Psychedelic Medicine Medical Genetics Business Development & Partnerships Program Implementation
Sophia Lunt
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
The Lunt Lab focuses on understanding the role of metabolism in supporting cancer proliferation, heterogeneity, and metastasis.
Cells Metabolomics Molecular Biology Mass Spectrometry LC-MS
Klaus Ley, MD
Founding Director · Immunology Center of Georgia
Klaus Ley is exploring the role our immune response plays in atherosclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.
T lymphocytes Immunology Vaccines atherosclerosis Integrins
Laura Vandenberg
Professor of Environmental Health Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Laura Vandenberg looks at how exposures to plastics, and other chemicals especially early in life, can predispose individuals to diseases.
Plastics and Human Health Endocrine Disruptors Plastic Exposure Developmental Biology Hazard Assessment
Paulo Verardi, Ph.D.
Department Head and Associate Professor of Virology and Vaccinology · University of Connecticut
Expert on vaccine development & virology (Smallpox, Rinderpest, Zika, coronaviruses, Rift Valley, Powassan, SFTSV, Heartland, & more)
COVID-19 Mosquito-borne Diseases Tick-borne Diseases Zika Smallpox
Paraskevi Goggolidou
Lecturer · The Open University
Enthusiastic, interactive speaker that relates every day experiences to Human Disease.
Human Disease Public Health Genetics
Professor Mark Fielder
Professor of Medical Microbiology · Kingston University
His work explores the nature of viruses, antimicrobial resistance, and public perceptions of vaccines and antibiotics.
Animal-Human Disease Transfer Vaccines Viruses Microbiology Antibiotics
April Kloxin
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware
Prof. Kloxin's research group seeks to design responsive materials for tissue regeneration.
Stimuli-Responsive Materials Biomaterials 3D Cell Culture Tissue Engineering Drug Delivery
Ronald J. Gerrits, Ph.D.
Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Ron Gerrits focuses his professional efforts on science education.
Science Education Guided Inquiry Physiology
M. Eric Benbow
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Insect - Microbe interactions in aquatic ecology, forensics, and human health.
Forensic Sciences Infectious Disease Ecology Aquatic Entomology Aquatic Ecology Microbial Ecology
Kuldeep Neote
Senior Director · Consulate General of Canada (CTA Boston)
Kuldeep focuses primarily on the areas of Oncology and Immunology.
Drug Discovery Immunology Oncology Molecular Biology
Professor Jim Boyne
Head of Subject · Leeds Beckett
Jim Boyne's laboratory investigates the role of RNA in human disease.
Molecular & Cellular Biology Cancer Research
Liang Mao
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Liang Mao's research aims to offer better understandings on the human-disease system with geospatial science approaches and technologies.
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Geospatial Network Analysis Spatial Accessibility and Disparities
Michael Okun
Distinguished Professor/Director · University of Florida
Dr. Michael Okun is a neurologist, neuroscientist, and expert in Parkinson's, movement disorders, and deep brain stimulation.
Alzheimer's Parkinson's Tourette Deep Brain Stimulation Dystonia