Eric Kirby

Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University

Specializing in management, leadership, generational nuances (Gen Z), student success strategies, business law, and student retention

Student Retention in Higher Education Employee Development and Retention Management Generation Z Leadership

Jared Tippets

Vice President for Student Affairs · Southern Utah University

Vice President for Student Affairs | Higher Education Consultant & Speaker | Author | Co-host of the ASCEND Podcast

Retention of First Year College Students Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education Student Involvement in Higher Education Organizational Change in Higher Education Management Systems

Deborah Chyun, Ph.D.

Professor and Dean Emeritus · University of Connecticut

Professor Chyun is an expert in the field of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Nursing

Mindy McAdams

Chair/Professor · University of Florida

Mindy McAdams studies communication technologies, online journalism, interactivity and multimedia, the Internet and changes in societies.

Artificial Intelligence Data Journalism Numeracy and Coding Communication Technology

Reza Azarderakhsh, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, I-SENSE Fellow, Founder of PQSecure · Florida Atlantic University

Reza Azarderakhsh's primary research interests are in cryptography and security.

Side-channel and Physical Attacks on Cryptography Blockchain Security Quantum-Safe Cryptography Cyber Security Cryptographic Engineering

Natasha Bakht

Associate Professor · University of Ottawa

Professor Bakht’s research interests are in the intersecting area of religious freedom and women’s equality.

Law Culture Rights Minority Rights Religious Freedom Women's Equality

Professor Tina Miller

Professor of Sociology · Oxford Brookes University

Her research interests include family lives, intimate relationships, gender, parenthood, & reproductive health.

Gender Parenthood Families Transition into Stages of Family Life

Alina Ball

Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8852 / Office 300-100

Corporate Law Transactional Lawyering Community Lawyering Clinical Education Critical Race Theory

Anastasia G Kononova

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Anastasia Kononova's primary research interest is related to exploring media multitasking behavior, using multiple media at the same time.

New Media International Communication Media Multitasking Advertising


Professor and Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy · Dalhousie University

Dr. Baylis researches matters related to ethics, health law and policy of assisted human reproduction and novel genetic technologies.

Bioethics Assisted Human Reproduction Genetic Technologies & Ethics Genetics and the Law Policy & Regulation Identity

Elaine Power

Associate Professor · School of Kinesiology & Health Studies, Queen's University

Teaches social determinants of health. Researches food insecurity. Advocates for basic income. Dreams of the day when food banks can close.

food insecurity food banks feeding the family family food practices Social Determinants of Health

Kevin Wagner, Ph.D.

Professor and Department Chair · Florida Atlantic University

Kevin Wagner's research and teaching interests include judicial politics, political behavior and legislative behavior

Florida Politics Politics in Film and Fiction Research Methods Public Opinion and American Politics Political Party and Interest Groups

Professor Tim Thompson

Professor of Applied Biological Anthropology · University Alliance

His area of expertise is in the decomposition of human remains after death - with interest in what happens when a skeleton or body is burnt.

Burnt Bodies Skeletons Forensics Forensic Anthropology Human Remains

Juan Andrade Laborde

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Juan Andrade Laborde develops sustainable strategies and technologies that can be used to deliver nutrition to vulnerable populations.

Food Aid Micronutrients Internatinal Development Human Nutrition Food Science and Technology

Patricia Huddleston

Professor and Director of Information and Media PhD program · Michigan State University

Expert in Consumer decision making at Point of Purchase, Retail Strategy

Point of Purchase Marketing Consomer Loyalty Retail Strategy Eye-Tracking

Rita Osborn

Executive Director of Utah Center for Rural Health · Southern Utah University

Specializing in rural health issues, grant writing, and program development.

Community Health Programs Rural Health Care Access & Delivery Property Management Healthcare Grants

Roelf Woldring

Lead ·

E-Learning Champion, Performance Contracting Champion, E-Author, Entrepreneur, Workplace Psychology Expert

Talent Management Innovation in Hr Changing Hr

Idris Jeelani

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Idris Jeelanis's research focuses on construction safety, visual data analytics and cognitive sciences.

Human-Drone Interaction Construction Safety Computer Vision Eye-Tracking

John Singleton

James P. Wilmot Assistant Professor of Economics · University of Rochester

Singleton is an expert in public economics and the economics of education, particularly as it relates to school choice.

School Boards School Finance History of Applied Economics Economics of Education Public Economics

Jaehee Jung

Professor, Fashion and Apparel Studies · University of Delaware

Prof. Jung examines the psychology of clothing and consumer behavior across cultures.

Consumer Behavior Beauty Standards Fashion Studies Fashion Luxury Brands